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SVMBS in Collaboration with Faculty of Medicine IPB University Celebrated the 17th World Rabies Day

World Rabies Day is an important moment to raise awareness about rabies. As a form of concern and participation in efforts to control rabies in animals and humans, the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SVMBS) through the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the Global Health Agromaritime and One Health Collaborating Center IPB University (GHA-OHCC IPB) collaborated with the Faculty of Medicine IPB University to organize a “Rabies Talk Show and Service Week as a Celebration of the 17th World Rabies Day 2023”.

This event was held simultaneously from October 7, 2023, including a rabies talk show with the theme “All for One, One Health for All” which was held in the Transformation Hall of SVMBS. Furthermore, free rabies vaccination for pets at the Animal Teaching Hospital and Animal Clinic Bogor City Kencana Park was organized and attended by 80 animals.

This event was supported by various parties including the Bogor Regency Government through the Bogor Regency Fisheries and Livestock Service, the Bogor City Government through the Bogor City Food Security and Agriculture Service, Satwagia, Agrianita SVMBS IPB University, the Association of Indonesian Veterinarian Wives (PIDHI), and the Association of Indonesian Veterinarian (PDHI).

The talk show was attended by 250 participants from students and the general public. Prof. drh. Gunanti, M.Si as the Director of VTH SVMBS, Prof. drh Srihadi Agungpriyono, Ph.D, PAVet(K) as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and drh. Amrozi, Ph.D as Dean of SVMBS delivered their speeches during this talk show. The talk show session was moderated by Dr. drh. Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari, starting with the presentation of material “Rabies in Animals” by Dr. drh. Chaerul Basri, M.Epid from SVMBS, and “Rabies in Humans” by dr. Dinda Iryawati BS, MKM, from Faculty of Medicine IPB University. The material “One Health Approach in Overcoming Rabies” was also presented by the two speakers as a form of collaboration between veterinary medicine and humans.

This event was also enriched with various door prizes for participants who took part in the games and participated actively.

 “Hopefully, we as veterinary and human medicine students can deliver the knowledge we have gained today to the local community to increase the awareness of rabies. Hopefully activities like this can continue every year in order to realize a Rabies-free Indonesia by 2030,” hoped one of the participants. (AP/DAR)