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Prof. Dr. drh. I Wayan Teguh Wibawan, MS

Guru Besar Ilmu Penyakit Hewan

Kepakaran : Mikrobiologi dan Imunologi


  1. Imunoglobin Y (IgY) Kuning Telur
    Antibodi melalui telur ayam ini digunakan untuk pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit hewan. Komersialisasi produk ini bekerjasama dengan industri dalam negeri baik swasta maupun milik pemerintah.
  2. Bird Flu Rapid Test
    Inovasi ini berguna untuk mendeteksi keberadaan virus H5N1 (flu burung) yang menginfeksi ayam atau unggas. Keunggulan inovasi ini karena pelaksanaan uji yang mudah dan murah, hasil uji dapat diketahui dengan segera, spesifik dan memiliki sensitivitas yang tinggi, dapat dikembangkan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan antibodi flu burung dalam tubuh induk semang, mudah digunakan petugas lapangan, mampu mendeteksi virus Avian Influenza tipe A subtype H5 dan tidak menimbulkan iritasi pada kulit.


Inovasi Indonesia Paling Prospektif 2011: Rapid Test Koaglutinasi Tidak Langsung untuk Deteksi Penyakit Flu Burung oleh Business Innovation Center-Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi RI


  1. Ketua Komite Kesehatan Unggas Nasional (2013-sekarang)
  2. Anggota Komisi Ahli Kesehatan Hewan, Kementrian Pertanian (2013-sekarang)
  3. Dekan FKH IPB periode 2007-2011


Prof Dr Drh Srihadi Agungpriyono, PAVet(K), Dipl.ACCM

Guru Besar Departemen Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Farmakologi

Kepakaran : Anatomi Veteriner


  1. Modifikasi prosedur beberapa teknik penyiapan jaringan dan prosedur pewarnaan histologis, histokimia dan immunohistokimia


  1. Brevet pakar anatomi veteriner (konsultan) dari Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia (PAAI) 2008
  2. Diploma in Wildlife Conservation Medicine dari Asian College of Conservation Medicine tahun 2013
  3. Satya Lancana Karya Satya 20 tahun (2013)

Jabatan/Aktif di Organisasi:

  1. Sekretaris Departemen Anatomi IPB University tahun 1996-1999.
  2. Kepala Laboratorium Histologi FKH IPB University tahun 1997-2001
  3. Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemasiswaan FKH IPB University tahun 1999-2003
  4. Sekretaris FKH IPB University tahun 2004-2005
  5. Visiting Associate Professor of University of  Putra Malaysia (UPM) tahun 2005-2007
  6. Kepala Kantor Manajemen Mutu IPB University tahun 2008-2012
  7. Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB University tahun 2011-2015 dan 2016-2020.
  8. Vice President of Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists (Asian AVA) tahun 2006 – sekarang
  9. Excecutive Board member of Asian College of Conservation Medicine (ACCM) tahun 2010 – sekarang
  10. Excecutive Board Member of South East Asian One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) tahun 2012 – sekarang
  11. President Association of Indonesia Veterinary School (AFKHI) tahun 2014 – sekarang
  12. President Asosiasi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Asia Tenggara/South East Asia Veterinary School Association (SEAVSA) tahun 2012-2015

Prof.drh. Agus Setiyono, MS, PhD, APVet

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran : Patologi penyakit Zoonosis


Antibodi Q Fever
Produksi antibodi anti-Coxiella burnetii, agen penyebab zoonosis Q Fever.  Antibodi ini ditujukan sebagai piranti diagnostik cepat deteksi dini Q Fever baik pada hewan maupun manusia.  Q Fever akut bersifat sub klinis dan bila kronis menyebabkan peradangan berupa hepatitis, pneumonia, splenitis hingga endokarditis dan dapat menyebabkan kematian.  Q Fever menyebabkan penurunan kualitas hidup manusia dan kerugian secara ekonomi berupa abortus pada sapi bunting trimester ketiga.


  1. Innovator dan Authors dari IPB tahun 2015.
  2. 106 Inovasi Indonesia Paling Prospektif tahun 2014 dari Menteri Riset dan Teknologi, Republik Indonesia.
  3. 104 Inovasi Indonesia Paling Prospektif tahun 2012 dari Menteri Riset dan Teknologi, Republik Indonesia.

Jabatan/Aktif di Organisasi:

  1. Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik dan Kemasiswaan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan (FKH) IPB University 2016-2021
  2. Wakil Dekan FKH IPB University 2012-2015
  3. Kepala Divisi Patologi Veteriner FKH IPB University 2009-2011

Prof Drh Deni Noviana, PhD, DAiCVIM (cardiology)

Guru Besar Klinik Bedah dan Radiologi

Kepakaran : Diagnostic Imaging


  1. Development of making replicas and healing of heart wall infarction in swine with cardiac patches as a therapeutic model for humans
  2. Diagnostic imaging modalities in supporting of the Kintamani dog as Indonesia’s First Original Dog Breeds
  3. Custom Made Bioceramic Implant as Bone Filling Material in Comminuted Fracture Case in Veterinary Practice
  4. Design and Development of Biodegradable Metals for Tempporary Ureteral Stent Applications
  5. Innovations of the Newly Designed Glaucoma Implant Made of Polymethylmethacrylate
  6. Development of Novel Biodegradable Metals for Temporary Medical Implants and Tissue Engineering Scaffolds


  1. Most Cited Articles of Journal of Orthopaedic Translation: The effect of hydrogen gas evolution of magnesium implant on the postimplantation mortality of rats (2016-2020)
  2. Runner Up Indonesian Researcher for Life Sience Category YARSI Researcher Award (2017)
  3. De facto Specialist of Diplomate Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Cardiology (2017)
  4. Best free communication in oral presentation of Asian Meeting of Animal Medicine Specialties – AMAMS (2017)
  5. 107 Inovasi Indonesia Paling Prospektif 2015 di Indonesia: Biomaterial Sutera Attacus atlas Linn. Sebagai Benang Jahit Bedah – Bussiness Innovation Center, LIPI, Menristek RI (2015)
  6. Tribute to Innovator and Authors 2015 – Dedikasi dan Kontribusi dalam Menghasilkan Inovasi (2015)
  7. Materials Research Society of Indonesia Meeting Best Poster Awards: Radiodensity Study of Porous Tantalum Hydroxyapatite Coated Implant Material of Rat Animal Model (2014)
  8. 106 Inovasi Indonesis Paling Prospektif 2014 di Indonesia: Biomaterial Logam Besi-Biokeramik untuk Implant Biomedis Terserap Tubuh – Bussiness Innovation Center, LIPI, Menristek RI (2014)

Jabatan/Aktif di Organisasi:

  1. President of Indonesian Animal Hospital Association (2015-present)
  2. Representative Country Secretary Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2017-present)
  3. Treasurer of South East Asia Veterinary School Association (2017-present)
  4. Member of International Veterinary Radiology Association (2010-present)
  5. Member of Indonesian Small Animal Practitioners Veterinary Association (2008-present)
  6. Member of Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (1998-present)
  7. The Indonesian Young Academy of Science (2017-present)
  8. President of Region II West Java Chapter Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (2010-2018)
  9. Member of Indonesian Biomaterial Society (2013-present)

Prof Dr Drh Upik Kesumawati Hadi, MS

Guru Besar Parasitologi dan Entomologi Kesehatan

Kepakaran : Parasitologi dan Entomologi Kesehatan

Penemuan/Buku/Jurnal Ilmiah:

  1. Beberapa aspek bioekologi dan resistensi Aedes aegypti, vektor demam berdarah dengue di laboratorium dan lapangan di Indonesia.
  2. Beberapa aspek bioekologi Anopheles spp., vektor malaria di laboratorium dan lapangan di Indonesia.
  3. Beberapa aspek bioekologi nyamuk, lalat, lipas, kutu busuk dan ektoparasit lainnya di Indonesia.
  4. Beberapa aspek bioekologi caplak (Arachnida: Ixodidae) dan peranannya sebagai vektor penyakit pada hewan.
  5. Beberapa aspek sitotaksonomi serangga penghisap darah Simulium spp. (Diptera: Simuliidae) di Jepang dan Indonesia.
  6. List Biodiversitas blackflies, Simulium spp. (Diptera: Simuliidae) di Indonesia.
  7. Buku “Hama Permukiman Indonesia, Pengenalanan Biologi dan Pengendaliannya” IPB Press 2006.
  8. Buku “Penuntun Praktikum Parasitologi Veteriner: Ektoparasit” IPB Press 2008.
  9. Buku “Ektoparasit: Pengenalan, Identifikasi dan Pengendaliannya” IPB Press, 2010.
  10. Buku “Panduan Identifikasi Ektoparasit: Bidang Medis Veteriner” IPB Press, 2011.
  11. Buku “Atlas Entomologi Veteriner” IPB Press,  2013.


  1. Dosen Teladan II Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan tahun 1998
  2. Dosen Berprestasi FKH IPB University tahun 2008
  3. Juara 1 kategori Dosen dalam Lomba Website Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2013 dan 2014
  4. Tribute to Innovators and Authors dari Rektor IPB University tahun 2015

Jabatan/Aktif di Organisasi:

  1. Ketua Bagian Parasitologi dan Entomologi Kesehatan, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Hewan dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB University,  2008-2014
  2. Ketua Unit Kajian Pengendalian Hama Permukiman,  Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB University, 2011 – sekarang
  3. Ketua Program Studi Parasitologi dan Entomologi Kesehatan, Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University, 2014 – sekarang.

Prof drh Arief Boediono, PhD, PAVet(K)

Guru Besar Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Farmakologi

Kepakaran : Perekayasaan Embrio dan Stem Cell


  1. Produksi embrio secara in vitro (mencit, sapi, domba, kambing, kucing) dengan memanfaatkan ovarium dan testis darihewan yang telah mati.
  2. Produksi embrioin vivo dengan metode Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) pada sapi, dimana sapi yang secara normal hanya menghasilkan satu embrio setiap satu siklus (21 hari), dengan manipulasi hormonal bisa dihasilkan 5-20 embrio dalam satu siklus.
  3. Produksi sapi khimera, merupakan kelahiran sapi yang mempunyai 4 tetua sekaligus yaitu (Friesian Holstein, Black Wagyu, Limousine, Red Wagyu).
  4. Produksi embrio partenogenetik dengan kromosom diploid (sapi, mencit, kucing), merupakan perkembangan embrio mamalia tanpa fertilsasi oleh sperma.
  5. Pengembangan produksi dan terapi stem cell (selpunca) asal embrio partenogenetik dan sel dewasa.
  6. Pengembangan dan aplikasi bioteknologi embrio pada program bayi tabung manusia.


  1. Louisiana State University Embryo Biotechnology Young Scientist Merit Research Award  (2000).
  2. DosenTeladan I Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB University (1998).
  3. Japanese Society of Veterinary Science for Young Scientist (1995).
  4. Oguri Award, Advanced Scientist on Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction (1995).

Jabatan/Aktif di Organisasi:

  1. Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Embriologis Manusia Indonesia (Society of Indonesian Human Embryologist), 2018-2020.
  2. Pengurus Perhimpunan Fertilisasi In Vitro (Indonesian Association for In Vitro Fertilization), 2009-2020.
  3. Pengurus Asosiasi Sel Punca Indonesia, ASPI, 2007-2021.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Wasmen Manalu

Guru Besar Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Farmakologi

Kepakaran: Fisiologi Hewan

Publikasi (10 Publikasi International Terakhir):

  1. Reproductive performance of female swamp buffalo in West Sumatra. Reswati, R., Purwanto, B.P., Priyanto, R., Manalu, W., Arifiantini, R.I. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 748(1), 012025
  2. Green Catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) Seeds Cannibali at Different Stocking Densities. Heltonika, B., Zairin, M., Widanarni,,Manalu, W., Hadiroseyani, Y. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 695(1), 012028
  3. Effectivity of Curcumin and Thyroxine Supplementations for Improving Liver Functions to Support Reproduction of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Rawung, L.D., Ekastuti, D.R., Sunarma, A.,Rahminiwati, M., Manalu, W. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021, 14(1), pp. 121–128
  4. Evaluation of a Hand Antiseptic with WHO-Recommended Formulation and Its Efficacy in Killing Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). Subhan, A., Manalu, W., Rahminiwati, M., Darusman, H.S. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 2021, 32(1), pp. 114–125
  5. Physiological and Hematological Responses of Pregnant Sapera Dairy Goats on Feeding and Drinking Limitation. Pamungkas, F.A., Purwanto, B.P., Manalu, W., Yani, A., Sianturi, R.G. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2021, 9(5), pp. 662–668
  6. Stimulation of follicle growth and development during estrus in Ettawa Grade does fed a flushing supplement of different polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nugroho, P., Wiryawan, K.G., Astuti, D.A., Manalu, W. International Journal of One Health, 2021, 14(1), pp. 11–22
  7. Stimulation of follicle growth and development during estrus in Ettawa Grade does fed a flushing supplement of different polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nugroho, P., Wiryawan, K.G., Astuti, D.A., Manalu, W. Veterinary World, 2021, 14(1), pp. 11–22
  8. The Hepatoprotection Effect of the Asymmetric Curcumin Analogue Synthetic Product in Male Rat Abstract (Rattus norvegicus L.). Kapelle, I.B.D., Manalu, W., Mainassy, M.C., Renur, N.M., Joris, S.N. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020, 11(10), pp. 766–771
  9. Phytochemical screening and toxicity of ethanol extract of Sauropus androgynus. Awaludin,, Kartina,, Maulianawati, D., Arfandi, A., Lalang, Y. Biodiversitas, 2020, 21(7), pp. 2966–2970
  10. Effect of different transportation period on body weight loss, hematological and biochemical stress responses of sheep Lendrawati, L., Priyanto, R., Jayanegara, A., Manalu, W., Desrial, D. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2020, 45(2), pp. 115–123

Prof. Dr. Drh. Agik Suprayogi, M.Sc.Agr

Guru Besar Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Farmakologi

Kepakaran: Fisiologi Hewan

Publikasi (3 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir):

  1. Relative white blood cell counts, heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, and discovery of blood parasites in wild dugong (Dugong dugon) at Lingayan Island, Toli-toli, Indonesia. Satyaningtijas, A.S., Suprayogi, A., Darusman, H.S., Nurdin, A., Hanadhita, D. Veterinary World, 2020, 13(9), pp. 1849–1853
  2. Identification of Compounds Flavonoids Namnam Leaf Extract (Cynometra Cauliflora) As Inhibiting A-Glucosidase. Sumarlin, L.O., Suprayogi, A., Rahminiwati, M., …Pangestika, H., Pratiwi, L. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1594(1), 012005
  3. Physiological value of heart rate, respiration and rectal temperature of wild-captive dugong (Dugong dugon)–a case study in Lingayan Island. Satyaningtijas, A.S., Suprayogi, A., Nurdin, A., Darusman, H.S. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 2019, 26(4), pp. 147–151


Prof. Dr. Drh. Tutik Wresdiyati

Guru Besar Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Farmakologi

Kepakaran: Histologi Veteriner

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir):

  1. Polyphenol profile, antioxidant and hypoglycemic activity of acalypha hispida leaf extract. Alfarisi, H., Sa’diah, S., Wresdiyati, T. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 82(2), pp. 291–299
  2. Functional properties of tempe protein isolates derived from germinated and non-germinated soybeans. Astawan, M., Wresdiyati, T., Subarna,, Rokaesih,, Yoshari, R.M. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 443(1), 012001
  3. Acute Toxicity Test of Pigeon Pea Leaves Extract (Cajanus cajan) in Rats. Wresdiyati, T., Stephany, S., Handharyani, E., Sa’diah, S., Astawan, M. E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 151, 01043
  4. Calcium bioavailability of tempe and boiled soybean flours and its effect on osfemurs in experimental rats. Astawan, M., Wresdiyati, T., Subarna,, Asyaifullah, K. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2020, 66, pp. S314–S319
  5. Equivalence test between the physicochemical properties of transgenic and non-transgenic soy flour. Astawan, M., Wresdiyati, T., Purnomo, E.H., Purwanto, A. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 2020, 66, pp. S286–S294


Prof. Dr. Dondin Sajuthi, MST, Ph.D

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Patologi Klinik dan Primatologi

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir):

  1. Humoral immune responses to burkholderia pseudomallei antigens in captive and wild macaques in the western part of Java, Indonesia. Testamenti, V.A., Noviana, R., Iskandriati, D., …Sajuthi, D., Pamungkas, J. Veterinary Sciences, 2020, 7(4), pp. 1–12, 153
  2. The capability of Cemba (Albizia lebbeckoides [DC.]) benth leaf extract in inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus. Hajrawati,, Nuraini, H., Arief, I.I., Sajuthi, D. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 492(1), 012048
  3. Association of CCL7 promoter polymorphism with responsiveness to allergen in cynomolgus macaque model of asthma. Mariya, S.S., Dewi, F.N.A., Hayes, E., …Budiarsa, I.N., Sajuthi, D. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 2020, 12(2), pp. 183–188
  4. The diversity in nutritional profile of farmed edible bird’s nests from several regions in Indonesia. Elfita, L., Wientarsih, I., Sajuthi, D., Bachtiar, I., Darusman, H.S. Biodiversitas, 2020, 21(6), pp. 2362–2368
  5. Genetic characterization based on the d-loop mtdna and the tspy genes of the dwarf siamang (Hylobates klossii) of Mentawai Island, Indonesia. Hasanah, R., Saepuloh, U., Asari-Farajallah, D.P., …Hastuti, Y.T., Sajuthi, D. Biodiversitas, 2020, 21(6), pp. 2854–2861


Prof. Dr. Dra. R. Iis Arifiantini, MS

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Biologi Reproduksi

Publikasi (6 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir):

  1. Reproductive performance of female swamp buffalo in West Sumatra. Reswati, R., Purwanto, B.P., Priyanto, R., Manalu, W., Arifiantini, R.I. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 748(1), 012025
  2. Characteristics and Potential Production of Frozen Semen of Pasundan Bull. Santoso, S., Herdis, H., Arifiantini, R.I., Gunawan, A., Sumantri, C. Tropical Animal Science Journal, 2021, 44(1), pp. 24–31
  3. Seminal plasma protein profile based on molecular weight and their correlation with semen quality of Simmental bull. Baharun, A., Arifiantini, R.I., Karja, N.W.K., Said, S. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2021, 46(1), pp. 20–28
  4. Supplementation of Pandanus conoideus Oil in Cryopreservation Diluents for Maintaining the Semen Quality of Ongole Grade Bull. Nurcholis,, Furqon, A., Arifiantini, R.I., Salamony, S.M. Tropical Animal Science Journal, 2021, 44(2), pp. 146–151
  5. Comparison of different cryoprotective agents on swamp buffalo semen cryopreservation. Herbowo, M.T., Arifiantini, R.I., Karja, N.W.K., Sianturi, R.G. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2020, 45(4), pp. 268–276
  6. Comparative analysis of various step-dilution techniques on the quality of frozen Limousin bull semen. Arif, A.A., Maulana, T., Kaiin, E.M., …Arifiantini, R.I., Memili, E. Veterinary World, 2020, 13(11), pp. 2422–2428


Prof. Dr. Drh. Iman Supriatna

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Biologi Reproduksi

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir):

  1. Relationship of frozen-thawed semen quality with the fertility rate after being distributed in the Brahman Cross Breeding Program. Pardede, B.P., Agil, M., Yudi, Y., Supriatna, I. Veterinary World, 2020, 13(12), pp. 2649–2657
  2. The effect of L-carnitine in Tris egg yolk-based diluent on the quality of Pasundan bull semen preserved in chilled condition. Darussalam, I., Arifiantini, R.I., Supriatna, I., Rasad, R.S.D. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2020, 45(3), pp. 197–205
  3. Maturation of sheep oocytes with antioxidant -tocopherol which are activated by parthenogenesis. Gustina, S., Hasbi, H., Supriatna, I., Setiadi, M.A. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 492(1), 012070
  4. Protamine and other proteins in sperm and seminal plasma as molecular markers of bull fertility. Pardede, B.P., Agil, M., Supriatna, I. Veterinary World, 2020, 13(3), pp. 556–562
  5. Decreased bull fertility: Age-related changes in sperm motility and DNA fragmentation. Pardede, B.P., Supriatna, I., Yudi, Y., Agil, M. E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 151, 01010


Prof. Dr. Drh. Mohamad Agus Setiadi

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi


Kepakaran: Biologi Reproduksi dan Embrio Transfer

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. PMSG in ewes: A Practical and Efficient Step for Superovulation. Somanjaya, R., Fuah, A.M., Rahayu, S., Setiadi, M.A., Abdullah, L. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 748(1), 012010
  2. L-carnitine Supplementation Enhances Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Maturation Rates of Sheep Oocytes In Vitro. Bhakty, Z.W., Kaiin, E.M., Karja, N.W.K., Setiadi, M.A. Tropical Animal Science Journal, 2021, 44(2), pp. 131–137
  3. Breed and age effects on concentration of adiponectin and reproductive performance in anglo nubian, etawah grade and its crossbred bucks. Hafizuddin,, Karja, N.W.K., Praharani, L., Setiadi, M.A. Biodiversitas, 2021, 22(3), pp. 1112–1119
  4. Maturation of sheep oocytes with antioxidant -tocopherol which are activated by parthenogenesis. Gustina, S., Hasbi, H., Supriatna, I., Setiadi, M.A. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 492(1), 012070
  5. Effect of Sericin Supplementation in Collection Medium on Bovine Oocyte Nuclear Maturation. Satrio, F.A., Karja, N.W.K., Setiadi, M.A., …Memili, E., Purwantara, B. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 478(1), 012006


Prof. Drh. Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, MS,Ph.D

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Patologi dan Onkologi Veteriner

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. Total flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts from accessions of Amomum compactum fruits. Nurcholis, W., Sya’bani Putri, D.N., Husnawati, H., Aisyah, S.I., Priosoeryanto, B.P. Annals of Agricultural Sciences, 2021, 66(1), pp. 58–62
  2. Bioactivity of amomum compactum soland ex maton (java cardamom) as a natural antibacterial. Hartady, T., Balia, R.L., Syamsunarno, M.R.A.A., Jasni, S., Priosoeryanto, B.P. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020, 11(9), pp. 384–387
  3. Geopolymer–carbonated apatite nanocomposites with magnesium and strontium trace elements for dental restorative materials. Sutanto, D., Satari, M.H., Hernowo, B.S., …Asri, L.A.T.W., Purwasasmita, B.S. Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 2020, 57(5), pp. 546–556
  4. In vitro antiproliferation activity of Typhonium flagelliforme leaves ethanol extract and its combination with canine interferons on several tumor-derived cell lines. Priosoeryanto, B.P., Rostantinata, R., Harlina, E., …Ridho, R., Sutardi, L.N. Veterinary World, 2020, 13(5), pp. 931–939
  5. Antiproliferation activity of God’s crown fruit (Phaleria macrocarpa) extract and fractions against MCM-B2 breast cancer cells. Hasim, H., Kurniawati, S.O., Priosoeryanto, B.P., Faridah, D.N., Puspita, R. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2020, 10(3), pp. 52–58


Prof. Dr. Drh. Ekowati Handharyani, M.Si

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Patologi Veteriner

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. First evidence of Klebsiella pneumoniae infection in Aceh cattle: Pathomorphology and antigenic distribution in the lungs. Darniati, D., Setiyaningsih, S., Agungpriyono, D.R., Handharyani, E. Veterinary World, 2021, 14(4), pp. 1007–1013
  2. Comparison of peanut and black oncom biscuit: Nutritional characteristics and aflatoxin evaluation with the potential health benefits. Rohimah, A., Setiawan, B., Palupi, E., Sulaeman, A., Handharyani, E. Annals of Agricultural Sciences, 2021
  3. Effect of Propolis on Maternal Toxicity. Fikri, A.M., Sulaeman, A., Marliyati, S.A., Fahrudin, M., Handharyani, E. Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia, 2021, 48(3), pp. 224–230
  4. The effect of environmental enrichment with autistic-like behavior symptoms on a rattus norvegicus model. Yanis, A., Yanwirasti, Y., Amir, N., Handharyani, E. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021, 9, pp. 78–81
  5. Development of monospecific polyclonal antibodies against hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae. Darniati,, Setiyaningsih, S., Agungpriyono, D.R., Handharyani, E. Biodiversitas, 2021, 22(1), pp. 99–105


Prof.Dr. Drh. Bambang Purwantara, M.Sc

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Biologi Reproduksi

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. Admixture study of Ongole grade cattle based on genome-wide SNP data. Volkandari, S.D., Rahmawati, I., Cahyadi, M., …Subiharta,, Sudrajad, P. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 762(1), 012047
  2. Influences of bull age and season on sperm motility, sperm concentration, and ejaculate volume of Ongole Grade cattle in Singosari National Artificial Insemination Center. Suyadi, S., Purwantara, B., Furqon, A., …Pratiwi, H., Herwiyati, E. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2020, 45(4), pp. 261–267
  3. Comparative analysis of various step-dilution techniques on the quality of frozen Limousin bull semen. Arif, A.A., Maulana, T., Kaiin, E.M., …Arifiantini, R.I., Memili, E. Veterinary World, 2020, 13(11), pp. 2422–2428
  4. Evaluation of Friesian Holstein Bulls Fertility in Lembang and Singosari Artificial Insemination Center using West Java ISIKHNAS Data. Rosyada, Z.N.A., Tumbelaka, L.I., Ulum, M.F., …Memili, E., Purwantara, B. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 478(1), 012005
  5. Relationship among Body Weight, Scrotal Circumference and Sperm Quantity of Bali Bulls in Baturiti Artificial Insemination Center. Indriastuti, R., Ulum, M.F., Arifiantini, R.I., Memili, E., Purwantara, B. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 478(1), 012004


Prof. Dr. Dra. Ietje Wientarsih, M.Sc

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Farmasi Veteriner

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. Effect of ethanol polarity on extraction yield, antioxidant, and sunscreen activities of phytochemicals from Gyrinops versteegii leaves. Sari, R.K., Wahyuningrum, M., Rafi, M., Wientarsih, I. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 935(1), 012038
  2. The diversity in nutritional profile of farmed edible bird’s nests from several regions in Indonesia. Elfita, L., Wientarsih, I., Sajuthi, D., Bachtiar, I., Darusman, H.S. Biodiversitas, 2020, 21(6), pp. 2362–2368
  3. Diversity of lactic acid bacteria in dadih produced by either back-slopping or spontaneous fermentation from two different regions of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Wirawati, C.U., Sudarwanto, M.B., Lukman, D.W., Wientarsih, I., Srihanto, E.A. Veterinary World, 2019, 12(6), pp. 823–829
  4. Activity of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) juices on doxorubicin-induced nephropathy in rats. Prasetyo, B.F., Shabrina, H., Juniantito, V., Wientarsih, I. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 196(1), 012037
  5. Anti Lithiasis Activity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill) Leaves Extract in White Male Rats. WIENTARSIH, I., MADYASTUTI, R.I.N.I., PRASETYO, B.F., ALDOBRATA, A. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, 2012, 19(1), pp. 49–52


Prof. Drh. Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja, MP, Ph.D

Guru Besar Klinik Reproduksi dan Patologi

Kepakaran: Biologi Reproduksi

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. Seminal plasma protein profile based on molecular weight and their correlation with semen quality of Simmental bull. Baharun, A., Arifiantini, R.I., Karja, N.W.K., Said, S. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2021, 46(1), pp. 20–28
  2. L-carnitine Supplementation Enhances Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Maturation Rates of Sheep Oocytes In Vitro. Bhakty, Z.W., Kaiin, E.M., Karja, N.W.K., Setiadi, M.A. Tropical Animal Science Journal, 2021, 44(2), pp. 131–137
  3. Breed and age effects on concentration of adiponectin and reproductive performance in anglo nubian, etawah grade and its crossbred bucks. Hafizuddin,, Karja, N.W.K., Praharani, L., Setiadi, M.A. Biodiversitas, 2021, 22(3), pp. 1112–1119
  4. Comparison of different cryoprotective agents on swamp buffalo semen cryopreservation. Herbowo, M.T., Arifiantini, R.I., Karja, N.W.K., Sianturi, R.G. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, 2020, 45(4), pp. 268–276
  5. Toxicity of palm oil mill effluent on the early life stages of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus 1758). Muliari, M., Zulfahmi, I., Akmal, Y., …Sumon, K.A., Rahman, M.M. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(24), pp. 30592–30599


Prof. Dr. Drh. Retno Damajanti Soejoedono, MS, MSV

Guru Besar Ilmu Penyakit Hewan

Kepakaran : Imunologi dan Virologi

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. Phylogenetic studies of Newcastle disease virus isolated from poultry flocks in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, in 2019. Saputri, M.E., Poetri, O.N., Soejoedono, R.D. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 2021, 8(1), pp. 129–137
  2. Polyclonal antibodies production from porcine gelatin and its preliminary study for immunosensor applications. Astuti, A.I., Soejoedono, R.D., Saepudin, E., Assaat, L.D., Ivandini, T.A. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, 763(1), 012007
  3. S. Mutans serotype C, C. Albicans, oral hygiene, and decayed, missing, and filled teeth in early childhood caries. Rahmah, N., Bachtiar, B.M., Gultom, F.P., Soejoedono, R.D., Bachtiar, E.W. Open Dentistry Journal, 2020, 14(1), pp. 731–736
  4. Enhancement of transient erythropoietin protein expression by valproic acid in CHO-K1 suspension adapted cells. Rubiyana, Y., Soejoedono, R.D., Santoso, A. Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology, 2020, 25(1), pp. 28–32
  5. Isolation and characterization of the enterococcus faecalis strain isolated from red tilapia (Oreochromis hybrid) in Indonesia: A preliminary report. Rizkiantino, R., Wibawan, W.T., Pasaribu, F.H., …Ulyama, V., Wibowo, D.B. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 2020, 7(1), pp. 27–42


Prof. Dr. Drh. Umi Cahyaningsih, MS

Guru Besar Ilmu Penyakit Hewan

Kepakaran: Protozologi

Publikasi (5 Publikasi Internasional Terakhir) :

  1. Entamoeba histolytica Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Agents that Infect Humans and Some Other Mammals: A Review. Junaidi, J., Cahyaningsih, U., Purnawarman, T., …Hayati, Z., Muslina, M. E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 151, 01019
  2. Effect of After-Treatment of Strychnos ligustrina Extract on The Percentage of Parasitemia in Mice Infected with Plasmodium berghei. Cahyaningsih, U., Sa’diah, S., Syafii, W., …Harisyah, M., Wahyuningrum, M. E3S Web of Conferences, 2020, 151, 01023
  3. Antimalarial activity and phytochemical profile of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of bidara laut (Strychnos ligustrina Blum) wood. Manurung, H., Sari, R.K., Syafii, W., Cahyaningsih, U., Ekasari, W. Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 2019, 47(5), pp. 587–596
  4. Prevalence of intestinal helminth parasites in wild and soft-release Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in Lamandau Wildlife reserve, Central Kalimantan. Zulfikri, M., Ridwan, Y., Cahyaningsih, U. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 434(1), 012135
  5. Serological and molecular prevalence of equine piroplasmosis in Western Java, Indonesia. Nugraha, A.B., Cahyaningsih, U., Amrozi, A., …Yokoyama, N., Igarashi, I. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 2018, 14, pp. 1–6