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Visitation from ASIIN Germany for International Accreditation of SVMBS IPB University

The School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SVMBS) IPB University received a field visitation by the assessors for international accreditation from ASIIN (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik) Germany, on 14/06 and 15/06/2023. This visitation is part of the international accreditation applied by SVMBS to ASIIN. Previously, SVMBS already submitted a self-assessment report (SAR) to ASIIN.

The assessor team was led by Prof. Dr. med. vet. Abel. Helen Louton (Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences , University of Rostock) with members consisting of Dr. Christian Gruber, MMI (Voted Consulting Munich), Dr. drh. Vista Budiariati (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gadjah Mada University), Nadya Wacimin (Student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gadjah Mada University), and Dr. Natalia Vega ( ASIIN Office ). The assessor team includes representatives from academics, industry, management, and students.

“Our motivation to apply for accreditation to ASIIN is in order to improve the quality of the learning process and graduates to international standards, as well as part of the internationalization of the study programs at IPB University,” explained Prof. Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja, MP, Ph.D, as the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs SVMBS in a meeting with assessors. She further explained that the accreditation is part of IPB University’s commitment to maintain the quality of education and to provide the best resources for its students. This accreditation will help IPB University to gain world-class recognition.

In addition to meetings with the program coordinator, leaders of SVMBS and IPB University, the assessors also conducted interviews with the SAR team, partners, lecturers, students and alumni. The assessors also visited various facilities at SVMBS, such as the Laboratory of Anatomy (Moeslihoen Room), Necropsy Room (Division of Pathology), Surgery Room, Laboratory of Veterinary Public Health, Integrated Research Laboratory, FKH A Practicum Room, and finally visited the Animal Teaching Hospital.

The field visitation ended with a meeting with the leaders of IPB University, SVMBS, study programs, and the task force team. The assessors presented a brief report about their visitation results.

The assessors made several recommendations, including the concept of diversity and services for employees and students with disabilities and chronic diseases. Assessors appreciated the good English skills, especially of the SVMBS students, as well as its excellent calibration system for examination questions.

“We appreciate your smooth preparation during our two-day visit. All stakeholders are eager to support the study program. In general, the study program is well done,” said Prof. Louton. “We thank you for your hospitality and efforts during the two day visitation,” said Prof. Louton at the end of the meeting. (AP/KM/DAR)