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Occupational Health and Safety Inspection at SVBMS as a Preparation for the German ASIIN International Accreditation

The School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science (SVMBS) received a visit from assessors who inspected occupational health and safety at SVMBS on May 24 and 26, 2023. This inspection was a part of preparation for SVMBS IPB University to receive an visitation for international accreditation from a German institution, namely ASIIN (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik) .

The inspection was attended by the Dean of SVMBS Drh. Amrozi, Ph.D, Vice Dean of Academic Prof. drh. Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja, MP, Ph.D, Vice Dean of SKP Dr. drh. Andriyanto, M.Si, Heads of the Departments at SVMBS, Head of Administration Vera Nora Indra Astuti, S.Pt, MM and Staff.

Occupational health and safety inspections were conducted on all existing SVMBS facilities. On the first day the inspection was carried out in the following laboratories and practical rooms: Anatomy, Pathology, Pharmacy, Animal Disease, Internal Medicine, Physiology, Surgery, Histology, Embryology, Veterinary Public Health, Bacteriology, and Education and Services Laboratory. On the second day, the inspection was performed at the Animal Teaching Hospital and the Reproductive Rehabilitation Unit.

As a result of this inspection, SVMBS received an assessment of occupational health and safety conditions. Furthermore, the inspectors provided feedback and recommendations for improvement. SVMBS commits to implementing the changes necessary to ensure a safe working environment for all its employees and students. Occupational and safety conditions are critical for the success of the ASIIN accreditation visitation process. (AP/DAR)