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Stallion Castration Conducted by SVMBS Lecturer and Vocational School Students of IPB University at the Cipanas Presidential Palace

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SVMBS) in collaboration with the Vocational School (SV) IPB University castrated two stallions at the Cipanas Presidential Palace on Sunday (04/06) in Cipanas, Cisarua. The horse castration program is a cooperation between SVMBS IPB University and the Cipanas Presidential Palace. The cooperation between this two parties covers three aspects of the Three University Pilars (Tri Dharma), namely education, research, and community service.

Present at the horse castration were representatives from SVMBS, drh. Budhy Jasa Widyananta, M.Si, representatives from the Vocational School, Drh. Surya Kusuma Wijaya, M.Si, and Vocational School students.

Castration has been performed on two horses that were 3 and 6 years old, respectively. The main purpose of castration is to eliminate the reproductive ability of stallions. Furthermore, castration helps control horse behavior to make it calmer and easier to ride. Castrating young horses has been found to reduce aggression, stallion-like behaviors such as mounting, and other undesirable behaviors. It also helps prevent other health issues related to testosterone.

Doctor Nanta, the nickname of drh. Budhy Jasa Widyananta, M.Sc., explained that the two horses castrated were still young, which resulted in less bleeding during the operation. In general, young horses are more cooperative, respond well to anaesthesia, and wake up calmly after an operation.

“During the operation, there was no significant bleeding and swelling. We will monitor the post-operative condition regularly. I hope that the post operation will proceed well, the horses will recover quickly and can do their normal activities again,” said the lecturer of Surgery and Radiology SVMBS IPB University.

Both parties are hoping to benefit from this collaboration and synergize. In this way, they will be able to continue improving the welfare of animals and human resources. (AP/DAR)