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SVMBS in Collaboration with SVMBS Alumni Association (IKA FKH) Shared Ramadan Parcels

The School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SVMBS) IPB University shared Ramadan parcels on April 12, 2023. This activity is performed annually in every Ramadan. This year, SVMBS collaborated with its alumni association (Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan/IKA FKH) to organize various events during Ramadan including distribution of Ramadan parcels.

The ceremony was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of IPB University Prof. Drh. Deni Noviana, PhD, DAiCVIM, and attended by Acting Dean of SVMBS Prof. Drh. Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja, MS, Ph.D, APVet, Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development Dr. Drh. Andriyanto, M.Si, Representative from IKA FKH and the academic community of SVMBS IPB University.

Prof. drh. Deni Noviana, PhD, DAiCVIM in his speech expressed his gratitude to the donors from IKA FKH who financially supported and contributed to this activity. Additionally, he thanks the academic community for attending this event, as well as the committees for organizing various events during Ramadan. SVMBS distributed Ramadan parcels in collaboration with IKA FKH to lecturers, administration staff, cleaning services and security officers of SVMBS. The members of IKA FKH symbolically handed over the parcels to representatives of the SVMBS IPB University academic community.

On the same day on another occasion, IPB University also distributed around 5,000 Ramadan parcels to its employees.

“We hope this activity will inspire other alumni to participate in activities organized by SVMBS,” said Prof. Deni Noviana. The event also led to a greater sense of friendship, solidarity, and cooperation between alumni and employees of SVMBS. (AP /KM/DAR)