Economic benefits of a reduction of viral poultry diseases

The PhD student has to study the economics of combined prevention of viral poultry diseases in Western Java as well as the motivators for uptake of preventive measures for the different actors in the Java poultry value chain. The proposed research consists of 5 parts. (1) Development of a quantitative value chain simulation model, using existing knowledge about the poultry value chain in Western java, (2) development of Monte Carlo simulation models to estimate the costs of viral poultry diseases for different stakeholders in the Western Java poultry chain (3) application of these models to estimate the costs and benefits of interventions, (4) studying the motivation of stakeholders in Western Java to implement interventions and (5) synthesis of the results in an agent-based model to simulate the effect of stimulation of interventions over the full poultry chain in Western Java.

The work will be carried out both at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University and IPB, Bogor. The PhD student defends the PhD thesis at UtrechtUniversity

We ask

For this project we look for an enthusiastic result-driven person with a veterinary background and an interest in animal health economics and knowledge of the Indonesian poultry chain. Excellent research skills and analytical abilities are required as well as good communication skills and proficiency in English (both oral and written).

The MSc/PhD candidate should have a veterinary degree and a position with a university in Indonesia in order to be entitled for a DIKTI scholarship (for details see:  The candidate should fulfill the entry requirements for admission to the MSc and PhD study at Utrecht University, which include adequate knowledge of the English language (IELTS test 6.0). (for details see:

 We offer

We offer academic and financial support for the selected candidate to follow a study and research programme leading to the MSc degree ‘Veterinary epidemiology andeconomics’ and a  PhD degree at UtrechtUniversity. The MSc programme is financially supported by the SPIN budget and the PhD programme by a DIKTI scholarship.  

Further Information

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from dr. Henk Hogeveen ( or Prof Dr Arief Daryanto (