Leader of Board

Dr drh Amrozi
Educational background
  • S1 Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kedokteran Hewan, 1994
  • Profesi Institut Pertanian Bogor, Dokter Hewan, 1995
  • S3 UNIVERSITY OF YAMAGUCHI, Sains Veteriner, 2005
Areas of Expertise

Breeding Management sapi dan kuda



  • PDHI thn 1996-sekarang (anggota)
  • PORDASI 2004-sekarang (Pengurus Pusat)
  • ARHI 2016-sekarang (anggota) Internasional dan Nasional
Vice Dean Academic and Student
Prof drh Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja,MP, PhD
Educational background
  • S1 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Kedokteran Hewan, 1991
  • Profesi Univeritas Gadjah Mada, Dokter Hewan, 1993
  • S2 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sains Veteriner, 1998
  • S3 Yamaguchi University, Veterinary Science, 2004
Areas of Expertise

Bioteknologi Reproduksi (Produksi Embrio In Vitro dan Cloning)

  • Asosiasi Departemen Reproduksi Veteriner Indonesia, Tahun 2018 – Sekarang
  • Asosiasi Reproduksi Hewan Indonesia (ARHI), Tahun 2010 – Sekarang
  • Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PDHI), Tahun 1993 – Sekarang
  • Japanese Society of Animal Science, Tahun 2004 – 2006
  • Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction Science, Tahun 2004 – 2006
Vice Dean Resources, Cooperation and Development
Dr drh Andriyanto,MSi
Educational background
  • S1 Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kedokteran Hewan, 2005
  • Profesi Institut Pertanian Bogor, Dokter Hewan, 2006
  • S2 Institut Pertanian Bogor, lmu-Ilmu Faal Dan Khasiat Obat, 2010
  • S3 Institut Pertanian Bogor, Ilmu-Ilmu Faal Dan Khasiat Obat, 2016
Areas of Expertise

Farmakologi dan Toksikologi



  • Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PDHI), 2007-sekarang
  • Asosiasi Farmakologi dan Farmasi Veteriner Indonesia (AFFAVETI), Wakil Ketua Bidang Kerjasama, 2018-sekarang

SVMBS Senator

Prof. Dr. drh. Bambang Purwantara, MSc

Head of Senator

Dr Ir Etih Sudarnika, M.Si

Secretary Senator

Administration Management

Vera Nora Indra Astuti, S.Pt, M.M

Head of administration

Siti Maemunah, S.E.

Head of Sub-Division Education and Student Affairs 

Eri Ermawan, S.E.

Head of Sub division Finance, Personnel and General 

Zukhri Agusty Leo Syamsul Arifin S.P., M.M.

Head of Sub-Division Data Management and Infrastructure


Prof Drh Tutik Wresdiyati, PhD, PAVet

Head of the  of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Division

Prof. Dr. Drh. Agik Suprayogi, M.Sc, Agr

Head of the Physiology Division

Dr. Drh. Aulia Andi Mustika, M.Si

Head of the of Pharmacology and Toxicology Division

Prof. Dr. Drh. I Wayan Teguh Wibawan, MS

Head of the Medical Microbiology Division

Prof. Drh. Fadjar Satrija, M.Sc, Ph.D

Head of the Health Parasitology and Entomology Division

Dr Ir Etih Sudarnika, M.Si

Head of the Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology Division

Dr. drh. Anita Esfandiari, M.Si

Head of Internal Medicine Division

Prof. Dr. Drh. Gunanti, MS

Head of the Surgery and Radiology Division

Prof. Dr. Drh. Mohamad Agus Setiadi

Head of Reproduction and Obstetrics Division

Prof Dr Drh Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, MS, Ph.D, APVet

Head of Pathology Division

Dr. Lina Noviyanti Sutardi, S.Si., Apt., M.Si

Head of Veterinary Pharmacy Sub-Division

Study Program

Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan

Dr. drh. Wahono Esthi Prasetyaningtyas, M.Si, PA.Vet

Head of the Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Study Program

Dr.Agr. drh. Ronald Tarigan, M.Si

Secretary of the Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Study Program

Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan

Dr. drh. Sri Murtini, M.Si

Head of Veterinary Professional Education Study Program

Dr. drh. Anisa Rahma, M.Si

Secretary of Veterinary Professional Education Study Program

Magister Ilmu Biomedis Hewan

Prof. drh. Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, M.S., Ph.D, AP.Vet

Head of Master of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

Dr. Lina Noviyanti Sutardi, S.Si., Apt., M.Si

Secretary of Master of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

Doktor Ilmu Biomedis Hewan

Dr. drh. Chaerul Basri, M.Epid

Head of Doctor of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

Dr. drh. Savitri Novelina, M.Si

Secretary of Master of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences