Recently the Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences (KNAW) has funded a large collaborative research project entitled “Incentives driving the transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus H5N1 in the Indonesian poultry chainâ€
Recently the Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences (KNAW) has funded a large collaborative research project entitled “Incentives driving the transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus H5N1 in the Indonesian poultry chainâ€
To improve the HPAI situation in Indonesia, control measures that fit the Indonesian situations have to be developed. For that purpose it is essential to understand 1) the (importance of) transmission routes of HPAIv within and between the various poultry production chains (broilers, layers, ducks and backyard poultry) and 2) the incentives in the poultry chains that act as driving forces for the contacts between the different parts of that chain. Next, it can be examined how changes in incentives and changes in the structure of the poultry husbandry can affect the contacts within and between the poultry chains and, consequently, the transmission of HPAIv.
The project is a co-operation between Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands), Agricultural University Bogor (IPB, Indonesia) and Wageningen University (Lelystad and Wagenigen, the Netherlands)..
In this project, 4 PhD students and 1 postdoc will work together and we are looking for a PhD student on the following topic:
1. Unravelling the contacts within and between Indonesian poultry sectors (Vacancy announcement 1)
2. Unravelling the contacts within and between Indonesian poultry sectors by using molecular epidemiology (Vacancy announcement 2)
3. Economic benefits of a reduction of viral poultry diseases (Vacancy announcement 4)
4. Restructuring the poultry supply chain in Western Java (Vacancy announcement 5)
The application and selection process follows the following time path:
- Before 30 November 2012: Candidates express interest by submission of:
- Application letter with motivation,
- CV with education, work experience and list of publications
- Description of present work
- Before 15 December 2012 a list of eligible candidates is prepared, these candidates are invited to provide a full set of documents.
- Before 15 January 2013 candidates provide all the required documents
- Selected candidates are invited for interview in Indonesia in February 2013.
- Before 1 March 2013 the result of the selection will be announced
- The academic training programme starts with the MSc degree programme on 1 September 2013
 Address for submission of application:
Dr. Robert Paling
Office for International Cooperation
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University,
PO Box 80163, NL 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands
For courier delivery: Yalelaan 1, NL 3584 CL Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)30 253 1118 (or … 2116); Fax: + 31.(0)302531815