Restructuring the poultry supply chain in Western Java

The PhD student has to study the question which organisational forms of the Indonesian poultry supply chain and government intervention provide the most efficient way of coordination under the conditions of food safety and security. Principal-agent theory and cost-benefit analysis are used for supply chain optimisation under different scenarios. The research work consist of (1)development of a framework that addresses the definition of public interest and considers the role that the government should play in protecting it; (2) determination of the economic  efficiency of production (added value) of the current structure of the poultry production chain in Western Java; (3) development new hybrid forms of supply chain organisation and determination of first- and second-best solutions for the poultry sector in Western Java based on different costs of input factors; (4) an analysis of the needed government interventions to reach a desired new structure of the poultry chain with a participatory workshop.

The work will be carried out both at the Business Economics group of Wageningen University and IPB, Bogor. The PhD student defends the PhD thesis at Wageningen University

We ask

For this project we look for an enthusiastic result-driven person with an economic background, an interest in poultry and knowledge of the Indonesian poultry chain. Excellent research skills and analytical abilities are required as well as good communication skills and proficiency in English (both oral and written).

The PhD candidate should have a position with a university in Indonesia in order to be entitled for a DIKTI scholarship (for details see:  The candidate should fulfill the entry requirements for admission to the PhD studies at Wageningen University , which include a MSc degree in(agricultural) economicsand adequate knowledge of the English language (IELTS 6.5, with minimum sub-score 6.0 for speaking)

(more information:

We offer

We offer academic and financial support for the selected candidate to follow a study and research programme leading to an PhD degree at Wageningen University. The 4 year PhD programme is financially supported by the SPIN budget and a DIKTI scholarship.  

Further Information

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from dr. Henk Hogeveen ( or Prof Dr Arief Daryanto ( )