Prof Drh Srihadi AGUNGPRIYONO, PhD, PAVet (K), Dipl.ACCM

Anatomi, Fisiologi, dan Farmakologi (AFF)

Anatomi, Histologi, dan Embriologi (AHE)


Latar Belakang Pendidikan
– United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu University, Japan (S3)
– Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (S1)


Riset Interest

  • Reproductive activity of the male lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus)
  • Morphofunction of the testis of the lesser mouse deer and babirusa
  • GH receptor in the reproductive organs of the lesser mouse deer
  • The intermandibular scent gland of the lesser mouse deer
  • Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Protein-Lactoferrin in the Tissues of Java Treeshrew (Tupaia javanica)
  • The gastrointestinal tract of three species of treeshrew in Indonesia
  • Anatomy of Sunda porcupine (Hystric javanica)
  • Anatomy of Fruit bats (Cynopterus titthaecheilus)
  • Anatomy of Flying fox (Pteropus vampyrus)


  • Nurhidayat, Chairun Nisa’, Srihadi Agungpriyono, Heru Setijanto, Savitri Novelina, Supratikno, Koeswinarning Sigit. 2011. Atlas Osteologi dan Miologi Veteriner. Bogor (ID) IPB Press.
  • Nurhidayat, Chairun Nisa’, Heru Setijanto, Srihadi Agungpriyono, Savitri Novelina, Supratikno, Koeswinarning Sigit. 2011. Atlas Anatomi Topografi Kuda. Bogor (ID) IPB Press.
  • Nurhidayat, Chairun Nisa’, Srihadi Agungpriyono, Heru Setijanto, Savitri Novelina, Supratikno, Koeswinarning Sigit. 2012. Atlas Neuroangiologi dan Organologi Kambing. Bogor (ID) IPB Press.
  • Nurhidayat, Chairun Nisa’, Heru Setijanto, Srihadi Agungpriyono, Savitri Novelina, Supratikno. 2014. Osteologi dan Miologi Veteriner. Bogor (ID) IPB Press.
  • Chairun Nisa’, Nurhidayat, Heru Setijanto, Srihadi Agungpriyono, Savitri Novelina, Supratikno. 2015. Neuroangiologi dan Organologi Veteriner. Bogor (ID) IPB Press.
  • Nurhidayat, Chairun Nisa’, Heru Setijanto, Srihadi Agungpriyono, Savitri Novelina, Supratikno, Koeswinarning Sigit. 2016. Anatomi Topografi Kuda. Bogor (ID) IPB Press.

Jurnal Ilmiah (5 tahun terakhir), detil: Google scholar | Scopus | Sinta

  • Hengjan Y, Pramono D, Takemae H, Kobayashi R, Iida K, Ando T, Supratikno, Basri C, Fitriana YS, Arifin EM, Ohmori Y, Maeda K, Agungpriyono S, Hondo E. 2017. Daytime behavior of Pteropus vampyrus in a natural habitat: the driver of viral transmission. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 79(6):1125-1133. doi: 10.1292/jvms.16-0643
  • Hanadhita D, Satyaningtijas AS, Agungpriyono S. 2017. Bats as a Viral Reservoir: A Short Review of their Ecological Characters and Immune System. Advances in Health Sciences Research (AHSR) (5): 124-128. Published by Atlantis Press. Open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
  • Tethool, AN, Arifiantini RI, Agungpriyono S. 2018. Sperm Concentration and Motility in Cauda Epididymis of Bandikut (Echymipera kalubu). Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science 7 (1):
  • Basri C, Arifin EMZ, Takemae T, Hengjan Y, Iida K, Sudarnika E, Zahid A, Retno Damayanti Soejoedono RD, Susetya H, Sumiarto B, Kobayashi R, Agungpriyono S, Hondo E. 2017. Potential risk of viral transmission from flying foxes to domestic animals and humans on the southern coast of West Java, Indonesia. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 79(9): 1615-1626. doi: 10.1292/jvms.17-0222. ISSN 0916-7250
  • Hengjan, Y, Saputra V, Pramono D, Basri C, AndoT, Ohmori Y, Agungpriyono S, Hondo E. 2018. Nighttime Behavioral Study of Flying foxes on the southern coast of West Java, Indonesia. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 80(7): 1146-1152 ISSN.0916-7250
  • Wahyuni S, Gholib G, Adnyane IKM, Agil M, Hamny, Agungpriyono S, Yusuf TL. 2018. Characterization of Seminiferous Epithelium Stages in the Wild Javan Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak) Using the Tubular Morphology Method. Journal Veterinary Medicine International 4:1-8. DOI: 10.1155/2018/3024532. ISSN 2090-8113
  • Nugraha AB, Cahyaningsih U, Amrozi, Ridwan Y, Agungpriyono S, Taher DM, Guswanto A, Gantuya S, Tayebwa DS,Tuvshintulga B. 2018. Serological and molecular prevalence of equine piroplasmosis in Western Java, Indonesia. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports 14: 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.vprsr.2018.07.009. ISSN 2405-9390
  • Hanadhita D, Prawira AY, Rahma A, Satyaningtijas AS, Agungpriyono S. 2018. Morfometri Limpa Berkaitan dengan Produksi Radikal Bebas dan Antioksidan pada Kelelawar Pemakan Buah Codot Krawar (Cynopterus brachyotis). Jurnal Veteriner 19(1): 62-70. DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2018.19.1.62. ISSN 2477-5665
  • Wahid MR, Prawira AY, Agungpriyono S, Ulum MF. 2018. Pengambilan contoh biologi secara noninvasif untuk penilaian status reproduksi pada landak jawa (Hystrix javanica). ARSHI Veterinary Letters 2(3): 53-54. ISSN 2581-2416
  • Prawira AY, Novelina S, Darusman HS, Farida WR, Agungpriyono S. 2018. The dorsal skin structure contributes to the surface bacteria populations of Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix javanica). Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia. 47(6): 591-598. ISSN 0340-2096
  • Prawira AY, Farida WR, Darusman HS, Novelina S, Agungpriyono S. 2018. Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Level in the Dorsal Skin of Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix javanica). Jurnal Riset Veteriner Indonesia (Journal of The Indonesian Veterinary Research). 2(2):56-62 ISSN 2615-2835.
  • Prawira AY. Hanadhita D, Rahma A, Supratikno, Novelina S, Agungpriyono S. 2018. Characteristic of Skin Morphology of Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix Javanica) With Special Reference To The Connective Tissue. Jurnal kedokteran hewan 12(1):23-28. DOI:
  • Takemae H, Basri C, Mayasari NLPI, Tarigan R, Shimoda H, Omatsu T, Pramono D, Cahyadi DW, Kobayashi R, Iida K, Mizutani T, Maeda K, Agungpriyono S, Hondo E. 2018. Isolation of Pteropine orthoreovirus from Pteropus vampyrus in Garut, Indonesia. Virus genes 54(6):823-827. ISSN 0920-8569. doi:10.1007/s11262-018-1603-y.
  • Rahma A, Hanadhita, D., Prawira, A., Cahyadi, D., Supratikno, S., Maheshwari, H., Satyaningtijas, A., Agungpriyono, S. 2019. Indentifikasi tingkat kesehatan dan stres kelelawar pemakan buah (Cynopterus titthaecheilus) Jurnal Veteriner 18(4): 460-466, ISSN 2477-5665. doi:10.19087/jveteriner.2018.19.4.460
  • Hanadhita D, Satyaningtijas AS, Agungpriyono S. 2019. Bats Oxidative Stress Defense. 2019. Journal of the Indonesian Veterinary Research 3(1): 1-9. P-ISSN: 2614-0187, E-ISSN:2615-2835 DOI:
  • Hanadhita D, Rahma A, Prawira AY, Mayasari NLPI, Satyaningtijas AS, Hondo E, Agungpriyono S. 2019. The spleen morphophysiology of fruit bats. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 48(4): 315-324.
  • Prawira AY, Novelina S, Darusman HS, Agungpriyono S, Farida WR. 2019. Lectin histochemical study of the quill sebaceous gland in the dorsal skin of the Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica). Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (9): 1677-1684.
  • Suparmin Y, Gunanti, Noviana D, Agungpriyono S. 2019. The Normal Radiographic Anatomy Of The Forelimb In Sunda Porcupine Buletin Veteriner Udayana, 11(2):115-120
  • Supriyono, Takano A, Kuwata R, Shimoda H, Hadi UK, Setiyono A, Agungpriyono S, Maeda K. 2019. Detection and isolation of tick?borne bacteria (Anaplasma spp., Rickettsia spp., and Borrelia spp.) in Amblyomma varanense ticks on lizard (Varanus salvator). Microbiology and Immunology 63(8): 328-333.
  • Hanadhita D, Rahma A, Wahid M, Mayasari I, Satyaningtijas A, Hondo E, Agungpriyono S. 2019. Extracelullar matrix composition of different spleen compartments of fruit bats. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia.
  • Kuwata R, Torii S, Shimoda H, Supriyono S, Phichitrasip T, Prasertsincharoen N, Takemae H, Bautista R, Ebora V, Abella J, Dargantes A, Hadi UK, Setiyono A, Baltazar E, Simborio L, Agungpriyono S, Jittapalapong S, Rerkamnuaychoke W, Hondo E, Maeda K. 2020. Distribution of Japanese Encephalitis Virus, Japan and Southeast Asia, 2016-2018. Emerging Infectious Diseases. DOI: 10.3201/eid2601.190235
  • Sofyan H, Satyaningtijas AS, Sumantri C, Sudarnika E, Agungpriyono S. 2020. Hematological Profile of Aceh cattle. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 8(1): 108-114.
  • Prasetyaningtijas WE, Karja NWK, Agungpriyono S, Fahrudin M. 2020. Characteristics of Testicular Cell Development in 5-Day-Old Mice in In-Vitro Culture. Animal Science Journal 19(1):
  • Prawira AY, Hosaka YZ Novelina S, Farida WR, Darusman HS, Agungpriyono S. 2020. Morphological Evaluation of Polysaccharide Content and Collagen Composition During Cutaneous Wound Healing in The Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix Javanica). Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 82(5): 506–515. DOI: 10.1292/Jvms.19-0603
  • Kuwata R, Torii S, Shimoda H, Ishijima K, Yonemitsu K, Minami S, Kuroda Y, Tatemoto K, Tran NTB, Takano A, Omatsu T, Mizutani T, Itokawa K, Isawa H, Sawabe K, Takasaki T, Yuliani DM, Abiyoga D, Hadi UK, Setiyono A, Hondo E, Agungpriyono S, Maeda K. 2020. Mosquito-borne viruses, insect-specific flaviviruses (family Flaviviridae, Genus Flavivirus), Banna virus (family Reoviridae, genus Seadornavirus), Bogor virus (unassigned member of family Permutotetraviridae), and alphamesoniviruses 2 and 3 (family Mesoniviridae, genus Alphamesonivirus) isolated from Indonesian mosquitoes. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 82(7): 1030-1041. DOI:
  • Wahid MR, Prawira AY, Nisa’ Ch, Agungpriyono S, Ulum MF. 2020. Sonoanatomy of female reproductive organ of Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica). Anatomia Histologia Embryologia. DOI:
  • Agungpriyono S, Prawira AY, Darusman HS, Farida WR, Novelina S. 2020. Anatomi Makroskopis dan Analisis Dinamika Profil Darah pada Proses Persembuhan Luka pada Kulit Landak (Hystrix javanica). Jurnal Veteriner 21(1): 113. pISSN: 1411-8327; eISSN: 2477-5665. DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2020.21.1.1
  • Suparmin Y, Gunanti DN, Agungpriyono S. 2020. Radiograph of Lung Lobation of the Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix javanica). Jurnal Veteriner September. 21(3): 333-339. pISSN: 1411-8327; eISSN: 2477-5665. DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2020.21.3.333.
  • Prawira AY, Novelina S, Farida WR, Darusman HS, Warita K, Agungpriyono S, Hosaka YZ. 2020. Localization of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1) in the sebaceous gland of the dorsal region in the Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica). Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 82(12): 1729-1733. DOI:
  • Agungpriyono S, Prawira AY, Darusman HS, Farida WR, Novelina S. 2020. Macroscopic anatomy and hematological changes during wound healing process in the skin of the Java porpucine (Hystrix javanica). Jurnal Veteriner. 21(1): 1-13.
  • Hanadhita D, Rahma A, Wahid MR, Mayasari NLPI, Satyaningtijas AS, Hondo E, Agungpriyono S. 2020. Extracelluler matrix composition of different spleen compartments of fruit bats. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia. 49(2): 281-289. DOI:
  • Sofyan H, Satyaningtijas AS, Sumantri C, Sudarnika E, Agungpriyono S. 2020. Muscle fiber area and warner bratzler shear force (WBSF) value of Aceh cattle semitendinosis muscle. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Enviromental Science. 465(1): 012009. DOI:10.1088/1755-1315/465/1/012009.
  • Rahma A, Hanadhita D, Prawira AY, Kasmono S, Maheswari H, Satyaningtijas, Agungpriyono S. 2020 Morphological study of the heart of the Indonesian short-nosed fruit bats (Cynopterus titthaecheilus). Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. 21(11): 5094-5101. DOI:
  • Sofyan H, Sudarnika E, Satyaningtijas AS, Sumantri C, Agungpriyono S. 2020. The economic potential of Aceh cattle on its farmer, traders and consumers perspective. Frontiers in Sustainability. 1: 9. DOI:
  • Lida A, Takamae H, Tarigan R, Kobayashi R, Kato H, Shimoda H, Omatsu T, Basri C, Mayasari Ni LPI, Agungpriyono S, Maeda K, Mizutani T, Hondo E. 2021. Viral-derivad DNA invasion and individual variation in an Indonesian population of large flying fox Pteropus vampyrus. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. 83(7): 1068-1074. DOI:
  • Rahma A, Hanadhita D, Prawira AY, Rahmiati DU, Gunanti G, Maheswari H, Satyaningtijas, Agungpriyono S. 2021. Radiographic anatomy of the heart of fruit bats. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia. 50(3): 604-613. DOI:
  • Sofyan H, Satyaningtijas AS, Sumantri C, Sudarnika E, Agungpriyono S. 2021. Comparison of nutritional and meat quality characteristics between two primal cuts from Aceh cattle in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Veterinary Medicine International. Vol 2021, Article ID 8381849: 1-12. DOI:
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– Reproductive activity of the male lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus)

– Morphofunction of the testis of the lesser mouse deer and babirusa

– GH receptor in the reproductive organs of the lesser mouse deer

– The intermandibular scent gland of the lesser mouse deer

– Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory Protein-Lactoferrin in the Tissues of Java Treeshrew (Tupaia javanica)

– The gastrointestinal tract of three species of treeshrew in Indonesia