The World Veterinary Association (WVA) is an association of world veterinary organizations whose members consist of veterinary associations from each country and international veterinary professional associations.  The organizational structure of the WVA consists of 17 councilors representing every continent and international professional organizations.

On April 28th, 2021, the WVA General Assembly 2021 took place, which was attended by representatives of countries and professional organizations of WVA members.  On this occasion, Prof. drh Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto, MS, Ph.D., APVet, DACCM was present, who is currently one of the WVA councilors representing the Federation of Asian Veterinary Association (FAVA) from the Regional Professional Organization pathway.

Some important things related to the development of the veterinary profession in accordance with the WVA Strategic Plan 2020-2025 include: First, Veterinary Education which consists of quality, harmonization, veterinary education, continuing education and paraprofessionals and paramedics.  Second, Animal Welfare consists of the promotion of animal welfare education and training which is included in the curriculum.  Third, Pharmaceutical Stewardship, which includes the use of good and correct drugs, among others, in preventing the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).  Fourth, One Health is an effort to prevent and control zoonotic diseases and climate change.

Apart from internal organizational issues such as amendments to the WVA Constitution and By-Laws and budget.  One of the important points conveyed in the forum was the proposal submitted by FAVA, namely the expansion of the regionalization of the Asia-Oceania continent into two representative regions, namely West Asia and East Asia.

Thus, Asia will be represented by four councilors.  Each region is represented by two councilors and currently, Asia is only one region with two councilors.

During the session, it was also conveyed about the plan for the WVA Congress / WVAC 2022 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates in April 2022. During the session, it was also agreed that Prof. Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto would sit as one of the four members of the WVAC 2022 Steering Committee (SC).

All decisions taken at the WVA General Assembly are made by voting, therefore the number of representatives is very important when making decisions.  (* / RA) (IAAS/Adv)
