
Klinik, Reproduksi dan Patologi




Latar Belakang Pendidikan

  • Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan, FKH IPB Indonesia (2001-2005)
  • Dokter Hewan FKH IPB Indonesia (2005-2007)
  • Magister Sains Biomedis Hewan, PPs IPB Indonesia (2009-2012)
  • PhD student, Biosciences and Medical Engineering, UTM Malaysia (on going)


  • Bedah veteriner
  • Bedah ortopedik veteriner
  • Pencitraan biomedis

Riset Interest

  • Bedah ortopedik veteriner
  • Radiologi veteriner
  • Pencitraan biomedis


Jurnal Ilmiah

Ulum MF, Arafat A, Noviana D, Yusop AH, Nasution AK, Abdul Kadir MR, Hermawan H. 2014. In vitro and in vivo degradation evaluation of novel iron-bioceramic composites for bone implant applications. Materials Science and Engineering 36:336–344.
Noviana D, Nasution AK, Ulum MF, Hermawan H. 2013. Monitoring of early biodegradation of Fe-bioceramic composites by B-mode ultrasonography imaging in sheep animal model. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):57.
Paramitha D, Estuningsih S, Noviana D, Ulum MF, Hermawan H. 2013. Distribution of Fe-based degradable materials in mice skeletal muscle. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):55.
Ulum MF, Paramitha D, Estuningsih S, Noviana D, Hermawan H. 2013. Metal ion level and polymorphonuclear leukocyte cells number as determination factors for early in vivo rejection of biodegradable metals. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):59.
Noviana D, Nasution AK, Ulum MF, Hermawan H. 2013. Degradation of Fe-bioceramic composites at two different implantation sites in sheep animal model observed by X-ray radiography. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):56.
Ulum MF, Paramitha D, Muttaqin Z, Utami NF, Utami ND, Gunanti, Noviana D. 2013. Ultrasonographic Imaging of The Indonesian Male Thin Tailed Sheep’s Reproduction Organ. Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana 1(2):54-59.
Gunanti, Siswandi R, Soehartono RH, Ulum MF, Sudisma IGN. 2011. The anasthesized of pigs for human laparoscopy model using zoletyl, ketamine, and xylazine. Jurnal Veteriner 12(4):247-253.


Ulum MF, Arafat A, Noviana D, Yusop AH, Nasution AK, Abdul Kadir MR, Hermawan H. 2014. In vitro and in vivo degradation evaluation of novel iron-bioceramic composites for bone implant applications. Materials Science and Engineering 36:336–344.

Noviana D, Nasution AK, Ulum MF, Hermawan H. 2013. Monitoring of early biodegradation of Fe-bioceramic composites by B-mode ultrasonography imaging in sheep animal model. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):57.

Paramitha D, Estuningsih S, Noviana D, Ulum MF, Hermawan H. 2013. Distribution of Fe-based degradable materials in mice skeletal muscle. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):55.

Ulum MF, Paramitha D, Estuningsih S, Noviana D, Hermawan H. 2013. Metal ion level and polymorphonuclear leukocyte cells number as determination factors for early in vivo rejection of biodegradable metals. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):59.

Noviana D, Nasution AK, Ulum MF, Hermawan H. 2013. Degradation of Fe-bioceramic composites at two different implantation sites in sheep animal model observed by X-ray radiography. European Cells & Materials 26(Suppl. 5):56.

Ulum MF, Paramitha D, Muttaqin Z, Utami NF, Utami ND, Gunanti, Noviana D. 2013. Ultrasonographic Imaging of The Indonesian Male Thin Tailed Sheep’s Reproduction Organ. Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana 1(2):54-59.


Gunanti, Siswandi R, Soehartono RH, Ulum MF, Sudisma IGN. 2011. The anasthesized of pigs for human laparoscopy model using zoletyl, ketamine, and xylazine. Jurnal Veteriner 12(4):247-253.


Sudarwanto MB, Wicaksono A, Ismail R, Ulum MF. 2013. Suplemen Materi Penyuluhan II: Peningkatan Produksi Susu Melalui Pemberian Pakan Potensial di Daerah Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. PT So Good Food.
Sudarwanto MB, Wicaksono A, Ismail R, Ulum MF. 2013. Materi Penyuluhan II: Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Susu Peternak Sapi Perah Pemasok PT So Good Food di Boyolali. PT So Good Food..
Sudarwanto MB, Wicaksono A, Ismail R, Ulum MF. 2013. Materi Penyuluhan: Peningkatan Kualitas Susu Peternak Sapi Perah Pemasok PT So Good Food di Boyolali.  PT So Good Food.
Cahyaningsih U, Ulum MF, Nugraha AB. 2013. Atlas Skor Lesio Koksidiosis pada Ayam. Laboratory of Protozoology.
Abdullah D, Gunanti, Soehartono RH, Soesatyoratih Rr, Noviana D, Widyananta BJ, Ulum MF, Siswandi R. 2012. Atlas Endoskopi Saluran Pencernaan Atas Anjing dan Kucing. Division of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology FVM IPB. ISBN: 978-979-17918-4-7
Noviana D, Aliambar SH, Ulum MF, Siswandi R. 2011. Diagnosis Ultrasonografi pada Hewan Kecil. IPB Press., ISBN: 978-979-493-387-9
Noviana D, Aliambar SH, Ulum MF, Zulfanedi Y. 2009. Atlas Ultrasonografi Normal Anjing dan Kucing edisi kedua tahun 2008. Bagian Bedah dan Radiologi FKH – IPB. ISBN: 978-979-17918-3-0

Noviana D, Aliambar SH, Ulum MF, Zulfanedi Y. 2008. Atlas Ultrasonografi Normal Anjing dan Kucing edisi pertama tahun 2008. Bagian Bedah dan Radiologi FKH – IPB. ISBN: 978-979-17918-1-6

Noviana D, Soehartono RH, Soesatyoratih Rr, Aliambar SH, Ulum MF, Siswandi R. 2008. Bahan Ajar Mandiri Radiologi Veteriner. Module /Teaching Material of Veterinary Radiology. Bagian Bedah dan Radiologi FKH – IPB ISBN 978-979-17918-0-9

Noviana D, Soehartono RH, Soesatyoratih Rr, Aliambar SH, Ulum MF, Siswandi R. 2008. Buku Penuntun Praktikum Bahan Ajar Mandiri Radiologi Veteriner Module /Teaching Material of Veterinary. Bagian Bedah dan Radiologi FKH – IPB