(The Immune Response of Againts Newcastle Disease on Broiler were Vaccinated with IBD-killed Vaccine)



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan gambaran respon kebal terhadap Newcastle Disease pada ayam broiler yang divaksin IBD killed dan IBD lived. Sebanyak 1000 ekor ayam pedaging strain Cobb dibagi dalam dua kelompok masing-masing 500 ekor. Kelompok P1 divaksinasi dengan vaksin ND lived dan IBD killed dosis tunggal, sedangkan kelompok P2 sebagai kontrol divaksinasi dengan vaksin ND lived dan ND killed. Dua minggu kemudian dilakukan vaksinasi pada kelompok P2 dengan vaksin AVI IBD inter (lived vaccine). Sampel darah diambil pada minggu ke-0, minggu ke-2, dan minggu ke-4. Pengamatan dengan uji haemaglutinasi inhibisi dilakukan terhadap seluruh sampel serum. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan kelompok P1 mampu membentuk antibodi terhadap ND dengan titer yang protektif pada 2-4 minggu setelah vaksinasi. Kelompok P2 hanya mampu membentuk titer antibodi protektif terhadap ND pada minggu ke-2 setelah vaksinasi ND. Pada minggu ke-4 kelompok P2 mengalami penurunan antibodi terhadap ND. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa vaksinasi IBD lived pada minggu ke-2 menyebabkan imunosupresi pada ayam yang divaksin ND sehingga antibodi terhadap ND pada 2 minggu setelah vaksinasi IBD menurun menjadi tidak protektif lagi. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa vaksinasi IBD killed dosis tunggal tidak menyebabkan imunosupresi sehingga tidak mengganggu pembentukan antibodi terhadap vaksinasi ND.

Kata kunci : titer ND, virus IBD, Hemaglutinasi Inhibisi.


The aims of this study is determine and compare the immune response to Newcastle Disease on broiler that vaccinated with killed IBD and lived IBD. A total of 1000 strains Cobb of broiler divided into two groups each of 500. Group P1 vaccinated with ND active and single dose IBD killed vaccine, whereas the P2 as a control group vaccinated with the ND active and ND inactive vaccine. Two weeks later group P2 vaccinated with AVI IBD inter vaccine (lived vaccine). The blood sample was taken in the 0, 2nd, and 4th week. Observations with haemaglutination inhibition test performed on all serum samples. Observations showed group P1 capable of forming antibodies against ND with a protective titer at 2-4 weeks after vaccination. Group P2 can only form a protective antibody titer against ND in 2nd week after vaccination ND. In 4th week, antibody titer againts ND group P2 decreased. This indicates that vacsination IBD lived in 2nd week caused immunosuppresion on broiler that vaccinated with ND so that antibody againts ND at 2nd week after vaccination decreased and no longer protective. From the results of this study can be concluded that vaccination using full dose of IBD killed does not cause immunosuppresion in order not to disrupt formation of antibody againts vaccination of ND.

Key words: ND titer, IBD virus, Haemaglutination Inhibition.