Histopathological Study of Ethylen Glycol-Induced Rat Kidney: Effects of Avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) Leaves Infusum



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari histopatologi ginjal tikus yang diinduksi etilen glikol dan diberi infusum daun alpukat. Penelitian ini merupakan kelanjutan dari penelitian Adha (2009) dengan rancangan percobaan sebagai berikut: dua puluh ekor tikus jantan dibagi menjadi empat kelompok yaitu, kelompok kontrol negatif (KN) diberi air minum ad libitum, kelompok kontrol positif (KP) diinduksi etilen glikol 0.75% dan amonium klorida 2% (inducer), kelompok perlakuan 1 (IF5) diberi inducer dan dicekok infusum daun alpukat 5% dengan dosis 3 ml/200 g BB, dan kelompok perlakuan 2 (IF10) diberi inducer dan dicekok infusum daun alpukat 10% dengan dosis 3 ml/200 g BB. Perlakuan diberikan selama 10 hari, pada hari ke-11 tikus dieuthanasi, dan organ ginjal diambil untuk dibuat sediaan histopatologi dan diwarnai dengan pewarnaan Hematoksilin–Eosin. Hasil pengamatan histopatologi ditemukan perubahan berupa edema glomerulus serta endapan protein, droplet hyalin dan nekrosis pada tubulus. Persentase edema glomerulus seluruh kelompok perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata (p>0.05) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol negatif, sedangkan persentase tubulus nekrosis kelompok kontrol positif berbeda nyata (p<0.05) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol negatif. Pemberian infusum daun alpukat dapat menurunkan persentase tubulus nekrosis, sedangkan peningkatan dosis infusum cenderung menurunkan persentase endapan protein, droplet hyalin dan tubulus nekrosis. Penurunan persentase kerusakan tubulus disebabkan oleh flavonoid daun alpukat yang bekerja sebagai diuretikum dan antioksidan.


The objective of this research was to study the histopathological lesions of rat kidneys induced by ethylene glycol and treated by avocado leaves infusum. This research is continuation of Adha’s experiment (2009) with the experimental design as follows: twenty male rats were divided into four groups, namely the control negative (KN) were received just drinking water ad libitum, the positive control (KP) were induced by 0.75% ethylen glycol and 2% ammonium chloride (inducer), the treatment group I (IF5) were induced and treated by 5% avocado leaves infusum at a dose of 3 ml/200 g BW,and the treatment group II (IF 10) were induced and treated by 10% avocado leaves infusum (3 ml/200 g BW). Treatment was given for 10 days, at day-11 rats were euthanasid, and kidney organs were taken for histopathological study and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin. The histopatological study showed glomerular edema; hyaline droplet, deposition of protein and tubular necrosis. Percentage of glomerular edema of all treatment groups were not significantly different (p>0.05) compared with negative control group, while the percentage of tubular necrosis of positive control group was significantly different (p<0.05) compared with negative control group. Treatment with avocado leaves infusum can reduce the percentage of necrotic tubulus whereas doses of infusum tend to decrease precentage in protein deposition, hyaline droplet and tubular necrosis. Percentage decrease in tubular damage caused by the avocado leaves flavonoid activity as diureticum and antioxidants.