(Composition, Freshness, and Falsification Supposition of Fresh Milk as the Cheese Raw Material in the Milk Processing Industry)
Komposisi susu segar sebagai bahan dasar keju menentukan kualitas keju yang dihasilkan. Kesegaran susu semestinya terjamin dan tidak dipalsukan, sesuai dengan SNI No. 01 – 3141 – 2011 tentang Susu Segar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji komposisi susu segar, kesegaran susu, dan dugaan pemalsuan susu segar yang digunakan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan keju di industri pengolahan susu (IPS). Penentuan komposisi meliputi berat jenis (BJ), kadar lemak (KL), bahan kering (BK), bahan kering tanpa lemak (BKTL), dan kadar protein (KP). Kesegaran susu diuji dengan uji alkohol, uji didih, dan pengukuran derajat keasaman (pH). Dugaan pemalsuan susu segar diuji dengan uji Storch, uji karbonat, uji santan, dan uji amilum. Data yang diperoleh, diolah secara deskriptif dan dibandingkan dengan standar SNI. Sampel susu yang diperiksa mengalami ketidaksesuaian dengan SNI sebesar 94.28% untuk BJ, 37.14% untuk BKTL, 14.28% untuk KP, dan 2.86% untuk BK, sedangkan KL dari seluruh sampel telah sesuai dengan SNI. Selain itu, diketahui bahwa sebanyak 17.14% sampel tidak memenuhi rentang nilai pH yang ditetapkan SNI dan 17.14% sampel mengalami penambahan susu masak. Sampel susu yang diperiksa masih dapat dijadikan keju, namun keju yang dihasilkan dapat mengalami penurunan kualitas.
Kata kunci: dugaan pemalsuan, keju, kesegaran, komposisi, dan susu segar
FEBRIANA WULANDARI.. Under direction of TRIOSO PURNAWARMAN. Composition of fresh milk as cheese raw material determines quality of the cheese. The freshness of the milk should be guaranted and not falsified, according to SNI No. 01−3141 − 2011 about Fresh Milk. This study aims to examine the composition of fresh milk, freshness of milk, and falsification supposition of fresh milk were used as a cheese raw material in the milk processing industry. The milk composition test consist of specific gravity, fat content, solid content, solid-non-fat content, and protein content. Freshness of milk test were did by alcohol test, boiling test, and measurement of the degree of acidity (pH). Falsification supposition test were did by Storch test, carbonate test, coconut-milk test, and starch test. Data were analyzed descriptively and compared with SNI. Samples of milk were examined are incompatible with SNI as much as 94.28% for specific gravity, 37.14% for solid-non-fat content, 14.28% for protein content, and 2.86% for solid content, while the milk fat content entirely in accordance with SNI. In addition, it is known that as much as 17.14% of the sample did not have similar specified range of pH values on SNI and 17.14% of the sample were experiencing addition of cooked milk. Milk samples examined still can be used as raw material for cheese, but the cheese produced can undergo degradation.
Keywords: alleged falsification, cheese, composition, fresh milk, and freshness