(Plasma Lipid Profile and Hematological Status of Sprague Dawley Rat by Supplementing Fish Oil Amide)

Sitti Wajizah, Komang G. Wiryawan, Wasmen Manalu, Dwi Setyaningsih


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas amida minyak ikan dalam menurunkan konsentrasi kolesterol dan trigliserida plasma dan pengaruhnya terhadap nilai hematologi darah. Tiga puluh lima ekor tikus jantan, galur Sprague Dawley, umur 7 minggu dibagi secara acak ke dalam lima kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok kontrol (A) mendapat ransum semi purified yang mengandung 8% minyak jagung. Kelompok perlakuan masing-masing disuplementasi 4,5% minyak ikan (B), 3% minyak ikan+1,5% amida (C), 1,5% minyak ikan+3% amida (D), dan 4,5% amida (E). Ransum perlakuan diberikan selama 6 minggu. Pada akhir penelitian dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah untuk menganalisis nilai hematologi dan profil lemak plasma. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi amida minyak ikan dapat mempertahankan jumlah eritrosit dan Hb, namun nilai hematokrit mulai menurun pada suplementasi amida 3% (D), dibandingkan suplementasi minyak ikan (B) dan suplementasi amida 1,5% (C). Jumlah leukosit pada kelompok yang mendapat suplementasi 4,5% amida (E) secara nyata (P<0,05) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang diberi minyak ikan (B). Suplementasi amida minyak ikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi kolesterol total dan HDL plasma, namun pada suplementasi 3% amida mulai meningkatkan konsentrasi trigliserida dan LDL plasma secara nyata (P<0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi amida sebesar 3% mulai memperlihatkan pengaruh negatif terhadap nilai hematologi dan profil lemak plasma.

Kata kunci: minyak ikan, amida, profil lemak plasma, nilai hematologi


This experiment was conducted to study the effectivity of fish oil amide in decreasing plasma cholesterol and trigliseride concentration, and its effect on blood hematological status. Thirty five male Sprague Dawley rats of 7 old days were randomly divided into 5(five) treatment groups. Control group (A) was fed with semipurified diet consisting 8% corn oil. Treatment groups were supplemented with 4.5% fish oil (B), 3% fish oil+1.5% amide(C), 1.5% fish oil+3% amide (D), and 4.5% amide (E) respectively. Treatment diets were fed for 6 (six) weeks, and at the end of treatment, blood samples were taken to analyze hematological status and plasma lipid profile. The result shows that fish oil amide supplementation could maintain the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, while hematocrit value began decrease with 3% amide supplementation compared to fish oil supplementation (B) and 1.5% amide supplementation (C). The number of leucocytes in group with 4.5% amide supplementation significantly increased (P<0.05) compared to the group supplementing fish oil (B). Fish oil amide supplementation had no effect to plasma cholesterol and HDL concentration, but began markedly increased (P<0.05) plasma triglisedride and LDL concentration at 3% amide supplementation. It was concluded that at 3% amide supplementation, seem to give the negative impact on hematological status and plasma lipid profile.

Keywords: fish oil, amides, plasma lipid profile, hematological status

Publish in Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 7 No. 1, Maret 2013 p 9-12