(Blood Biochemical Profile in Repeat Breeding Dairy Cows)

Surya Agus Prihatno, Asmarani Kusumawati, Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja, Bambang Sumiarto


Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil biokimia darah pada sapi perah yang mengalami kawin berulang. Sapi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dua puluh ekor sapi perah peranakan Friesian Holstein, berumur 3-8 tahun sudah pernah beranak minimal satu kali, mempunyai siklus reproduksi normal, dan kondisi tubuh sehat. Seluruh sapi dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok yang masing-masing terdiri atas 10 ekor sapi. Kelompok I adalah sapi fertil sedangkan kelompok II adalah sapi yang telah diinseminasi lebih dari tiga kali tetapi belum atau tidak bunting. Profil biokimia darah yang diukur adalah kadar total protein, total kolesterol, glukosa, dan kalsium. Data dianalisis menggunakan t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total protein; total kolesterol; glukosa; dan kalsium pada kelompok I vs kelompok II masing-masing adalah 6,77±0,38 vs 6,82±0,821 g/dl (P>0,05); 166,08±37,06 vs 125,95±38,108 mg/dl (P<0,05); 68,40±9,60 vs 48,58±6,675 mg/dl (P0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa sapi-sapi perah yang mengalami kawin berulang mempunyai total kolesterol dan kadar glukosa yang lebih rendah dibanding sapi-sapi perah yang fertil.

Kata kunci: kawin berulang, total protein, total kolesterol, glukosa, kalsium


This research aimed to determine blood biochemical profile of repeat breeding dairy cows. Twenty Friesian Holstein cross breed with the age of 3-8 years old, have birth at least once, normal reproductive cycle, and in a healthy condition were divided in to two groups. Group I consist of 10 fertile cows and group II consist of cows which were inseminated more than 3 times with fertile and non fertile sperm. The concentration of total protein, total cholesterol, glucose, and calcium in blood serum from fertile and repeated breeding cows were calculated. The data was analyzed by t-test statistics. The result showed that blood biochemical profile of repeated breeding cows such as total protein, total cholesterol, glucose and calcium were 6.82±0.821 g/dl, 125.95±38.108 mg/dl, 48.58±6.675 mg/dl, and 9.23±0.94 mg/dl, respectively. Profiles of fertile cows were 6.77±0.38 g/dl, 166.08±37.06 mg/dl, 68.40±9.60 mg/dl, and 9.90±1.43 mg/dl, respectively. The t-test analysis showed that the total cholesterol of repeated breeding cows was significantly lower (P<0.05) and glucose concentration was very significantly lower (P<0.01) than the fertile one. In conclusion, dairy cows with repeated breeding case had lower cholesterol total and glucose concentration than fertile one.

Key words: repeat breeding, cholesterol total, glucose, calcium

Publish in Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 7 No. 1, Maret 2013 p 29-31