2nd Announcement of Meetings

Header page 3 meetings


Parasitic zoonosis is a threat to human health in Asian countries, but tend to be neglected. Foodborne trematode infections affect more than 56 million people throughout the world. People become infected through the consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish, crustaceans and vegetables that harbour the minute larval stages of the parasites, of which the most common species affecting people areClonorchis, Opisthorchis, Fasciola and Paragonimus. Recently, more emerging or re-emerging food-borne parasitic diseases occurred in Southeast Asia frequently.

Under the WHO roadmap of controlling the neglect tropical diseases (NTDs), schistosomiasis will be eliminated as a public health problem by 2020 in endemic countries of WPRO region. Therefore, the challenges and strategies to achieve this goal from different countries, including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, and Philippines, are imperative to discuss with more actions.

With the development of the Regional Network on Asian Schistosomiasis and Other Helminth Zoonosis (RNAS+) which is serving a platform to coordinate the activities in control and research on the neglected tropical diseases since 1998, the current challenges in schistosomiasis elimination and food-borne parasitic diseases with their integrated strategies as well as the research progress on EcoHealth project are will be delivered or explored in the 14th Annual Workshop of RNAS+.

South East Asia Veterinary School Association (SEAVSA) is a network of veterinary faculty in South East Asia as a participating member. The general objective of the Association is in the advancement of education, research and professional services in veterinary science. In the 5th dean meeting, teaching of parasitic zoonosis in veterinary curriculum will be discussed.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bogor Agricultural University is the host of the 3 joint meetings to hold the event will collaborated with RNAS+, SEAVSA and Indonesia Veterinary School Association (IVSA).

Scope of the Meetings

  1. Current challenges and research priorities in the field of parasitic zoonosis
  2. Free topic related to veterinary and biomedical sciences

All presented and accepted papers (by reviewing process) will be compiled in Joint Meeting Proceedings.

Venue and Date

IPB International Convention Center (IICC) Bogor, Indonesia, October 13th – 15th, 2014


Click Here for Information of IICC Bogor


Click Here for Information of FAVE Hotel by Aston Bogor

We have special room rates for presenter and participant of Joint Meeting 2014. For further information please contact us by email to 3meeting2014@gmail.com

Who Should Attend

Lecturer, researcher, students, educational and quality improvement administrator as well as those interests in the area scope of this meetings.

Important Date:

Abstract (max 250 words) submission deadline :  September 23th 2014

Notification of acceptance: September 26th 2014

Extended abstract submission deadline: October 3rd 2014

Registration and Payment Deadline: October 3rd 2014

Conference day: October 13th – 15th 2014


IVSA participants are required to register in accordance with the schedule above. The registration is free for maximum 50 active participants (poster / oral presentation)


-      The duration of the oral presentations will be 15 minutes each (12 minutes talk and 3 minutes Q&A)

-      All poster displays will take place in the exhibition area of the meetings. The suggested poster size is either A1 (portrait).

Submission and Publication

Please do submission of abstract and extended abstract (for proceedings). Please click the following link to download the templates. Abstract template (Download). Extended abstract template with instruction (Download)

CLICK for Registration



The 3 Joint Meeting 2014 Committee

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University

Jalan Agatis, Kampus IPB Dramaga, 16680, West Java, INDONESIA

CP: Dr Esthi +6287873041468; e-mail: 3meeting2014@gmail.com