Veterinary Specialist
About Veterinary Specialist
As a professional education, the veterinary study program produces veterinarians who can continue their education to a higher/advanced level through a particular academic education (masters and doctors) or other professional education (specialists and subspecialists).
SVMBS IPB University plans to open specialist programs for surgery, radiology, internal medicine, pathology, laboratory animals, reproduction. The competence of the Specialist Veterinary Education Program courses is based on the ability of students to handle cases related to these specialists, this program consists of 72 credits for Specialists and 72 credits for Subspecialists. The length of the specialist and subspecialist study period is 4-6 semesters consisting of 30% lectures (theory) and 70% practicum (practice) at the SKHB IPB Educational Animal Hospital, laboratory divisions and various other educational partners.
SVMBS IPB University already has teaching staff with Doctoral degrees (PhD) and even specialists who have been recognized at the international level.
SVMBS IPB University already has teaching staff with Doctoral degrees (PhD) and even specialists who have been recognized at the international level.
Name | Title Academic | Title Specialist | Recognition |
Deni Noviana | Prof, Drh, PhD | DAiCVIM (cardiology) | Diplomate Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine |
Muhammad Agil | Dr, Drh, MScAgr | Dipl.ACCM | Diplomate Asian College of Conservation Medicine |
Srihadi Agungpriyono | Prof, Drh, PhD | Dipl.ACCM | Diplomate Asian College of Conservation Medicine |
Bambang Pontjo Priosoeryanto | Prof, Drh, MSc, PhD | Dipl.ACCM | Diplomate Asian College of Conservation Medicine |