Veterinary Professional Education

About Veterinary Professional Education

The Veterinary Professional Education Study Program (VPE study program) is a continuation of the Bachelor of Veterinary Science Study Program (BVS study program).

After completing the Veterinary Professional Education Study Program, graduates will obtain the degree of Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine (DVM).

Learning is carried out by competency-based using various methods, including Student Centered Learning and Problem-Based Learning.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Able to make disease diagnosis and medical treatments
  2. Able to provide solutions and carry out controls, eradications and treatments of animal diseases including zoonoses
  3. Mastering veterinary sciences and technologies, regulations, and professional attitude by communicating scientifically, working innovatively, being responsible, and maintaining professional integrity and ethics, and mastering entrepreneurial skills as a practicing veterinarian, researcher, consultant (livestock, food product, company drugs and vaccines), bureaucrats/government employees, entrepreneurs.
  4. Able to demonstrate leadership and entrepreneurial spirit, able to communicate and work independently or in groups, apply the oath and code of ethics for veterinarians and demonstrate high tenacity, responsibility, and commitment.

Semester System


The semester system was developed to adapt the multilevel education managem

  1. Able to make disease diagnosis and medical treatments
  2. Able to provide solutions and carry out controls, eradications and treatments of animal diseases including zoonoses
  3. Mastering veterinary sciences and technologies, regulations, and professional attitude by communicating scientifically, working innovatively, being responsible, and maintaining professional integrity and ethics, and mastering entrepreneurial skills as a practicing veterinarian, researcher, consultant (livestock, food product, company drugs and vaccines), bureaucrats/government employees, entrepreneurs.
  4. Able to demonstrate leadership and entrepreneurial spirit, able to communicate and work independently or in groups, apply the oath and code of ethics for veterinarians and demonstrate high tenacity, responsibility, and commitment.


The job for veterinarians is varied. This employment field become wider along with economic growth and increasing people’s living standards. To date, SKHB IPB graduates have worked in various fields, including:

Veterinary practices, both in big cities and in the regional as an Independent Veterinarian.Researchers, consultants and lecturers in various government and private agencies. Civil Servants, in various government agencies, both central and regional.

Private companies, especially those engaged in the production sector (livestock) as well as those related to the processing of livestock products, as well as food and beverage companies.

Entrepreneurs in the livestock agribusiness sector, both related to the production input industry, production, and production industry in various livestock commodities.

Indonesian National Police and Armed Forces. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) related to professionalism and Community Empowerment

Curriculum Structure

Curriculum Structure of the BVS and VPE Program View
Elective Courses in the BVS and VPE Program View
Relationship Between Courses and Learning Outcomes of Study Program View

Module Handbook

Module Handbook BVS Program View
Module Handbook VPE Program View

 Name of the Degree Program

BVS Program 

Diplomat supplement_BVS Program View
Study Regulation BVS Program View
Transcript of record_BVS Program View

VPE Program 

Diplomat supplement_VPE Program View
Transcript of record_VPE Program View

Program Objective and LO

the Program Objective and Learning Outcomes of a Bachelor of Veterinary Sciences View
the Program Objective and Learning Outcomes of Veterinary Professional Education View


Regulation of President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8-2012 View
National Standard of Higher Education Number 44 of 2015 View
Regulation of Goverment of the Republic of Indonesia No. 66-2013(3) View
Strategic Planning of SVMBS IPB University View


Form Calibration Animal Behaviour Exam View
Example Semester Learning Plan the VPE Program View
Table Student Final Project (example) View
Form_Final Project and Examination View
Form Final Assessment of VPE Program View
Example of Final Assement of VPE Program View
Guidlines for Scientific Paper Writing (1) View



Staff Handbook View
Academic Staff Recognition View
The List of Question in EPBM View
Appendix Cooperation of SKHB IPB View

Diplomat Suplement BVS Program

Diplomat Suplement BVS Program View

Diplomat Suplement VPE Program

Diplomat Suplement VPE Program View

Module Handbook

BVS Module Handbook View
VPE Module Handbook View
SOP Undergraduate Program IPB View
Acreditation Certificate of SVMBS View
Example Student Record Semester odd,2018-2019 View
Table Student Study Success Assessment View