June 15-29, 2013 “Abdi Nusantara” Student Community Service Program in Bondowoso District, East Java



“Abdi Nusantara” Student Community Service Program is an annual event that is held by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University in various regions in Indonesia. This event is held to give students experience to recognize field situations, problems, and way to solve those problems.  This event also help to raise local community awareness to various health issue especially foodborne diseases and other zoonotic diseases.

This year, “Abdi Nusantara” Student Community Service Program is going to be held in Bondowoso District, East Java Province, Indonesia.

Bondowoso District is one of the cattle strategic breeding center in Java.  According to National Statistic Bureau/Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2011, Bondowoso District has cattle farm potential as many as 203.419 cattles which consist of 99,8% beef cattle and 0,02% dairy cattle.  Bondowoso District also is located on fertile area which also makes it potential as feed production center.  As result of those factors, Bondowoso District become one of the spearhead in Indonesia 2014 National Beef Meat Self-sufficient Program.

Considering those condition, “Abdi Nusantara” Student Community Service Program would become a great opportunity for students to gain experience and help to raise local community awareness towards various health issue especially foodborne diseases and other zoonotic diseases to help achieving Indonesia 2014 National Beef Meat Self-Sufficient Program target. This event would let students from many disciplines to work together which is the essential component of One Health.  More importantly, this event would also help to create a one health system in Indonesia where the integration of animal, human, and environmental health are achieved simultaneously to form a community health.


“Abdi Nusantara” Student Community Service Program has some following objectives:

  1. Help to create a one health system in Indonesia where students from different disciplines working together and the integration of animal, human, and environmental health are achieved simultaneously to form a community health.
  2. Help students to gain experience interacting with people through professionality.
  3. Help students to improve communication abilities to help raising local community awareness towards various health issue especially food borne diseases and other zoonotic diseases.
  4. Help local goverments in beef cattle population growing program through socialization and animal health service in order to help achieving Indonesia 2014 National Beef Meat Self-sufficient Program target.
  5. Improvement of student’s knowledge, ability, and softskill in interdiciplinary approach to solve problems in society to fulfill the professional demand in community.


This program will be carried out for 10 days in 5 subdistricts in Bondowoso District, East Java Province.

1. Preparation activities (May – June 2013)

This activities involve secretariat activities, e.g., correspondence, communication, committee meetings and preliminary field survey to communicate and discuss the program with local government and community leaders.

2. Preparatory workshop (on 15th June 2013)

This activity will be carried out in Bogor Agricultural University two weeks before students departure to Bondowoso.  In this activity, students will be divided into district task groups consist of students from various scientific discipline.  They are trained by resource persons on one health approaches, and how to communicate it among to common people.

3. Workshop on ASUH (Aman-Sehat-Utuh-Halal/Safe-Healthy-Wholesome-Halal) meat (on 25th June)

This activy has aim to improve local community knowledge especially farmers, slaughters, butchers, local authorities, as well as consumers towards good meat handling practices to secure the production of ASUH (Aman-Sehat-Utuh-Halal/Safe-Healthy-Wholesome-Halal) meat and preventing foodborne disease.  This wokshop will be conducted in each district in form of seminar and discussion.  The workshop will be attended by 50 representative farmers, slaughters, butcher, local authorities, as well as consumers from each district.

4. Workshop on safe cooking practices for housewives (on 27th June)

This activity has aim to improve improve local community knowledge especially housewife whom traditionally done most of the kitchen works towards safe cooking practices.  This subject coverage includes good way to choose, to prepare, to keep, and to cook and serve meat thus will help creating and sustaining local community health.  The participants will also be introduced to foodborne diseases and way to prevent it.  The workshop will be attended by 50 housewives from housewives organization (PKK) from each Subdistrict.

5. Workshop on Avian Influenza (AI) pandemic prevention and personal hygiene practices to elementary students and parents (on 29th June)

This activity has aim to improve improve local community knowledge especially the younger generation towards the danger of avian influenza (AI) pandemic and the way to prevent it through self and local community hygiene thus securing local community health in the future.  This wokshop will be conducted in an elementary school in Bondowoso district in form of seminar and practice.  The workshop will be attended by 100 representatives of elementary student, teacher, and parent from several elementary students in 5 Subdistricts in Bondowoso District.


Participants in “Abdi Nusantara” Student Community Service Program is going to be 173 students as follows:

  • 145 students from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University,
  • 7 students from Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bogor Agricultural University,
  • 6 students from Community Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University,
  • 5 students from Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia,
  • 5 students from Faculty of Medicine, University of Gajah Mada,
  • 5 students from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Gajah Mada.

They will be supervised and observed by 5 lecturers from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University, 1 lecture from Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, 1 lecture from Faculty Medicine, University of Gajah Mada, 1 lecture from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Gajah Mada.

Organized by: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

Program Leader: Dr. Hera Maheshwari