Animal Ethics Committee

About Animal Ethics Committee

Research using experimental animals has been progressed rapidly. Therefore, researchers and students must understand the principles and management of experimental animals. In order to obtain high-validity data, the principle of animal welfare must be maintained, and the research procedures using experimental animals must be considered carefully. When animals are used in biomedical research, it must comply with international scientific standards, including the principles of animal welfare.

Quality assurance in using experimental animals that meet animal welfare principles at SVMBS IPB University is conducted by the Ethics Commission for Experimental Animals (Komisi Etik Hewan Coba/KEH) as an independent institution that is competent, has integrity and legal aspect.

Roles and Functions


The Ethics Commission for Experimental Animals IPB University was established based on the Decree of the Dean of SVMBS IPB University. It has the following roles and functions:

  1. Provide input to research centers regarding the ethical aspects of using animals in education and research.
  2. Disseminate and supervise the ethical code of practice of using experimental animals  in research and education.
  3. Develop policies and procedures that ensure the ethical application of using experimental animals in research and education.
  4. Ensure that animals involved in research and education are treated according to principles of animal welfare.
  5. Ensure that the ethical aspects of using experimental animals in research and education (purchase, transportation, maintenance, and use) are conducted on a sustainable basis.
  6. Ensure that the use of experimental animals in research and education is really beneficial and necessary.
  7. Perform ethical discussion of research proposals independently, competently, and timely. Archiving approved proposals.


    The composition of the SVMBS IPB  University Ethics Commission for Experimental Animals


    Responsible Person :

    Prof Drh Deni Noviana, PhD, DAiCVIM (Dean of SVMBS IPB University)

    Advisor :

    Dr Drh Andriyanto, M.Si (Deputy Dean of Resources, Cooperation and Development of SVMBS IPB University)

    Chair :

    Prof Drh Arief Boediono, PhD, PAVet (K)

    1. Prof Ir Wasmen Manalu, PhD, AIF
    2. Prof Drh. Ni Wayan Kurniani Karja, MP, Ph.D
    3. Prof Drh Upik kesumawati, MS, PhD
    4. Prof. Dr. Drh Gunanti, MS
    5. Dr Drh Andriyanto, M.Si
    6. Drh I Ketut Mudite Adnyane, PhD
    7. Dr Drh Aulia Andi Mustika, M.Si
    8. Drh Ronald Tarigan, M.Si, PhD
    9. Dr Drh Chaerul Basri, M.Epid
    10. Dr Drh Ridi Arif
    11. Dr Drh Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari
    12. Drh Supriyono, M.Si, PhD
    13. Drh Mawar Subangkit, M.Si, PhD
    14. Drh Amrozi, Ph.D
    15. Dr Rini Madyastuti, S.Si, Apt, M.Si
    16. Drh Riki Siswandi, M.Si, PhD
    17. Drh Arni Diana Fitri, M.Si
    18. Drh Fitriya Nur Annisa Dewi, Phd
    19. Restika Rahayu, S.E
    20. Drh. Nurul Annisa Tuliman
    21. Drh Tri Isyani Tungga Dewi, M.Si
    22. Vera Nora Indra Astuti, S.Pt, MM


    All types of research and education using experimental animals within the School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, IPB University. The KEH SVMBS IPB University does not serve requests for ethical eligibility for research using animals conducted externally of IPB University.


    Ethics Commission for Experimental Animals

    Person in Charge: Prof. Drh Arief Boediono, PhD, PAVet (K) ( )

    Administration : Restika Rahayu, SE


    Flow of Request for Ethical Eligibility

    1. Requests for ethical eligibility are addressed to the Head of the KEH SVMBS IPB University, attached with needed formulars
    2. (Form A)  and 3 copies of a research proposal.
    3. The applicant submits the forms (Borang A) and 3 copies of each research proposal to the Secretariat of KEH in the Administration Section of SVMBS IPB University and sends it via email:
    4. The Secretariat of KEH SVMBS IPB University checks the completeness of the application documents and provides proof of submission to the applicant.
    5. KEH SVMBS will analyze the contents of the application to determine an assessment team based on the related scientific fields. 
    6. KEH SVMBS can invite researchers to explain in detail their research plan.
    7. In carrying out its duties, KEH SVMBS can consult with experts on the research in question.
    8. KEH SVMBS will mainly assess the ethical aspects of the proposed research, but if necessary, has the right to review the scientific aspects to ensure that they are ethically acceptable.
    9. The results of the ethical feasibility will be announced to reseracher orally.
    10. The chairman of KEH SVMBS in writing will declare the results of the ethical feasibility.
    11. The results of the ethical feasibility study are,  Eligible:  The applicant receives an ethical eligibility decision letter (certificate). Eligible with repairs:  The applicant needs to revise their application and/or present their research in front of the KEH SVMBS. Ineligible:  Applicants need to re-submit their application considering the suggestions from KEH SVMBS.
    12. Research declared ethically eligible with revisions should submit a revision no later than one month.
    13. Research declared ethically ineligible may send feedback and redesign the research according to the suggestions and objections by the KEH.